
I’m down there several times a year with a friend - two old white broads all alone - and I’ve never seen anything to cause any fear. I’ve even done solo trips with no issues. I will say that during the last several years I have seen the check station open more often than it was during the preceding 4 years.

I just saw the Bill Ackman just tweeted an “oh no! I got to get out of bonds!” and the bond market just tanked (he did a full Musk back during covid -complete with the crocodile tears - that tanked a market that was just starting to recover). Elon did this sort of thing a while back and made a boatload off of it (and

I had an aunt that was cremated and asked to be mixed into her rose garden - instant memory garden and rose food all in one move. Personally, I’m going the body donor route (maybe I can get lucky and wind up on a body farm) and whatever remains of the fam can have a wake wherever they want - so long as they make sure

Lysistrata” them! This wouldn’t even need to actually involve moving - just totally deprive them of your services!

They aren't in love with rotary owners either.  Imagine that😏

Tried Contis years ago on my RX8, and they killed the feel for me. It changed the way the steering felt way more than I could deal with, but they did smooth out the drive nicely. I couldn’t get those things off quickly enough! I do recommend them to other people that are more interested in a smooth drive than in

Because the system won’t allow..

😄 That's what I was seeing at first! I was more than a bit confused

This could possibly fall under the “can’t yell fire in a theater” portion. I think they stop at vulgar or threatening speech.

Luckily, I do. I have a RX8, and they’re the only ones that get to play with it.

Agreed. The side view is quite lovely, but then you turn that corner to the front, and ... just no...

I mention my RX8 with 120k on the clock and an engine that tends to die at that same mark. I seldom get these calls anymore - just the stupid house flippers. The both need to rot in hell, but I doubt even Satan wants them around!

So, the Mustang would reveal that “it’s a girl!” and then proceed to kill everyone there?

My first thought on what it does in drag strip move was - puts on a dress, and then proceeds to take it off, and is illegal in several states😁

Not to mention, most people are allergic to the plant. My mother couldn't even get near one without breaking out in a rash. Beautiful flower, nasty plant.

Most salvia I've seen tends to be salvia greggii. That one probably won't work.

Been with my company for 35yrs and seen more than a few increases in starting wage. The only effect it had on me was to raise the wage cap for me and allow me a larger raise. I applaud my company for bringing it up as high as it is, and I’m happy for my team mates that can actually afford to eat. Part of the reason I

I work for Target, and, in Texas at least, our starting pay is nearly double the listed minimum wage. Prices will always go up, but ours weren’t driven by the change in starting pay. And then there’s the fact that, in many companies, a disproportionate part of the funds are going into the pockets of the head honchos

Is it just me?..