
I’m still working on “you brought your dog to the mall???” (after stepping over the dog turds). The idea that driving with a pet in your lap is.... I'd say mind boggling, but I don't see much evidence of a mind to boggle!

While I agree with you on us having seen enough of Musk’s ass, I fear you are giving the general public way too much credit. They’ve proven many a time that a public figure showing their true colors on a public platform doesn’t really change the mind of the “true believers.” I predict that, while many of us will

I see your album, and raise you one Red Sovine song. If you've never heard The Teddy Bear Song, you really need to give it a go.

Because I took my dog out for a walk the other day, it started raining and we got totally soaked!

Well, you know, the president can’t really do anything to cause the prices to go down! He can only make them go up!

A friend was trying to sign up to start getting his social security shortly after they had started using this company. He’s a bit of a conspiracy nut, so he read the ULA, which seems to include something that says ID.me claims ownership of all of what you provide. Assuming he read it correctly, that means they “own”

While I would uphold the rights of the officers to feel sympathetic towards the truckers, they still need to do their F’n Jobs! I hold many opinions, some of which run counter to my job, but I still manage to do my work. Anyone caught sharing info etc. should be fired and unable to work in law enforcement anywhere.

OoOoO. Just no dude! That way too weird!

Political fools know no season.

“I will continue to fight Big Tech to ensure the privacy and security of all Texans.”

Now that the face of a man I’d trust to the ends of the earth.

I don’t know about “dulling”, but if it’s supposed to be a pacifier, one look around will tell you just how badly it sucks at it.

“Hey! I have a great idea! Let’s put a HUGE mirror in the desert and see just how much hotter we can make it!” Said no one ever.

Growing up, the Republicans were more conservative and the Democrats were a bit more liberal. Now it just seems that many on both sides (but mainly Republican) are just trolling us all, while also trying to out-insane each other. I’m a diehard Texan and I’m holding out for Beto. Not because I think he has the best

Was I defending someone?

Because he likes their fantasy of making all women “feminine, submissive” and without “privilege” (rights). Can’t you read?

I’m hetero, but I’ll watch this film over and over again, just for the brief time we get with Gabriel. I grew up Baptist, and there wasn’t too much time spent talking about angles. We were taught that they were “beyond gender,” but Gabriel was always pictured as a bit more feminine. I thought that Tilda pulled off the

If these two had a child, it would be this “man.” Seriously, I can't even look a a photo of him without shuddering. 

True, and, since the whole purpose of being female is to service the mensfolk and pop out the kiddos, you've ~got~ to take it! You wouldn't want the poor mensfolk to have to look at your ugly scared face! Heck, maybe we aught to make this stuff mandatory for all girls (except the ones actively servicing the gross,

Looks kinda like a Mustang Transformer froze mid shift!