
that mf tried to get trump to overthrow a government so he could get at its lithium mines of course elon doesnt care. 

Promise tipsters the car of anyone whom they turn in.

Not if they wear their diaper like Diaper Don!

In the history of humanity, has any group that called themselves ‘God’s Army’ ever been on the right side of history? 

Here’s my take on the ‘Border Issue’. I was just in Texas last week, drove from Mobile, AL to El Paso, TX. Spent 2 nights in Marfa and for a whole day we drove from Marfa, through both Big Bend parks State/National.

If they are really concerned about the border, why aren’t they calling their senators and representatives to pass the bipartisan border security bill that the speaker has said he will not even bring up for a vote....

oh, right

The convoy is expected to reach Eagle Pass by Saturday, where they will...I don’t know exactly?”

Go to the bathroom on themselves, most likely.

*checks calendar

This guy obviously has no issue with committing such to others so I say the exit is fair game. I don’t condone it or wish it on anyone, but if it happens to certain types of people I am not outraged (serial sexual predators don’t care about others bodily autonomy so I don’t care much about theirs).

The teen can likely be helped with the situation that drove them to selling or using drugs with some effort and resources, a piece of shit like this just isn’t fixable, a shit person is sometimes just a shit person.

I’ll leave my poor taste joke about sodomy out as well.

This is a complicated thing to really put a number on but I feel like less then 3 years in prison for giving a child booze and weed and then sexually abusing them just seems like not enough time for a repeat offender.  Our system is fucked up and there are to many people in jail and they are not getting any real help

I mean, the man committed sexual offenses as both a minor and adult, and also used a deadly weapon (vehicle) without a license. I am not sure why he was even allowed to be in a vehicle, let alone out of prison. Meanwhile, some inner city youth is serving a 10 year term for getting caught with an eighth in his pocket...

Cue up the ‘This isn’t me....I was having a bad day/mixed my meds/the Trailblazers lost/I had a boil on my ass/I am a short tempered little asshole’ (wait - not that one) excuse-o-matic.

He is currently still in jail after a judge denied his bail back in August.

I had one as a rental, and rather liked it other than the length. It got ~20mpg, just like every other truck seems to.

My feelings as well. A crewcab with jumpseats like an old Ranger and a more useful bed length and shorter wheelbase would be a lot more useful to me.

Honestly tho if I could get a truck based Jeep Wrangler from the factory I would have liked just a 2 door version of it I have no need for a 4 door one.

A conversion van with multi-coloured stripes called a Transtar?  Quick, buy it before Republicans ban it.

Aaaaaand the Civic is already sold