
Right? I am so incredibly proud and awed by them but also so nervous. 

Oh man, I worry about these women staying safe. 

Did he just do a fake tear wipe? 

Thanks for the practical response.


I totally read that in her voice!

Shelter Cat Update!

Hello all, I asked this question in a different, under-attended thread so I will repeat it here...

I dunno, I think having the words she stole permanently tattooed on her is...

if i wrote a poem, someone plagiarized it, and then had the gd audacity to get a tattoo of my words on their body??? i’d have a very hard time being as civil as mckibbens.

I saw the headline and immediately thought “FCPA.”

I usually switch between Putz and Schmuck for this schlub. Either way, it's gotta be yiddish.

Police are now telling Loomer that Twitter isn’t prosecuting her so they’re taking off and she can hang out as long as she wants.

I did tell my cousin that it seemed to me that since everyone has times in their lives that they don’t get what they want, it might be best to enforce this lesson now. But then, my cousin’s son is an upper middle-class* white boy . . . will there ever be a time in his life that he doesn’t get what he wants?

Ughh, my cousin put his son in a Seg Ac school this year. The reason? Because he (my cousin’s son) wanted to play football, and didn’t make the team at the regular high school. I suppose it’s just a strange coincidence that every kid on the football team at my cousin’s new school is a pasty-faced, stringy white kid.

What (even “liberal”) white people will do to keep children of color out of “their schools”...I mean, they’re very methodical. I went to school in a very wealth, white suburb because they HAD to accept some students from the neighboring poor, majority-POC city (where I lived). I didn’t realize it at the time, but the w

Urgh, that sucks massive monkey balls :/

Have a hug this Holiday... seriously.

I don’t fully remember it, but worst Christmas ever - was at my grandparent’s place, my full step-family, first Christmas with my mum and her kids included. While I’ve been really lucky and my step-grandparents have never treated me differently, my cousins were a little slower to be accepting. Probably because they