My First Burner

Chris Sale is also 6'6", which means those skinny arms are also very long which gives him a lot of power on his throws. I’m guessing Ginny Baker is probably supposed to be under 6'...much harder to get power with skinny arms when you don’t have as much leverage to work with. Of course, this being a TV show, I’m not

Not really. And I honestly have no idea what the fuck happened on that plane.

The FBI is investigating because it happened on a plane and that is their jurisdiction. That’s the only reason.

Jezebel: where admitting someone has made a fair point is misogynistic.

If you are looking for bad, you will find it.

Nah, I was just saying the whole thing.

That is fair.

This is probably a mostly false account. The particulars likely happened (i.e., there was an argument on the plane that continued after the plane landed--he probably lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance), but that it rose to the level of abuse is likely

Um, right now it looks like basically everything that’s come out is making him look bad, not her. If the Patriarchy is trying to manipulate the message to get people to blame Angelina, it sure isn’t working so far.

I understand the point they’re trying to make, but I’d be surprised if Rolling Stone hasn’t published a woman’s nipples at some point in the last 50 years. That would mean they never ran this gorgeous shot of Janis Joplin.

I get the sentiment but I actually disagree with this. I recall a lot of articles on black men killed by police that feature complimentary descriptions from friends and family and talk about what they wanted to do with their lives, including Charlotte’s Keith Lamont Scott. While not falling into this analogy strictly,

Mrs. Obama was an attorney for the University of Chicago Health System, IIRC, and I’m sure she did a stellar job, but I don’t think she ever harbored any political ambitions for herself.

It’s embarrassing how many stars that shitty shitty post has. Jezebel has gone to the pits

a couple suitcase nukes in a couple US cities would derail this country for decades. Everyone talks a big game about how “terrorists can’t defeat us” until your windows are shattered by a car bomb or your kid gets his guts sprayed all over a nightclub.

“Just know that all white people are [expletive] devils”

Well, given they were able to coach Palin to a somewhat tie, who knows what they can do.

He has a solid base of 30% who’s metric for good slides entirely by what Trump says is good.

The group that most worry me are people who don’t usually vote, and don’t usually care about politics, but who find Trump’s insanity exciting. People who’s only view of politics is of boring people in suits using words they

I’m hoping the weak spot is that Trump’s brain is a large lump of moldy Swiss cheese with thin cold winds whistling through it.

Nixon was nowhere NEAR Trumpian levels of “what the fuck?!” even in 1960 when he “lost” the TV debate. Reagan was an actor, so...there was that. But Trumpy...he can have the best team EVAR coaching him and he won’t give 2 fucks, ‘cause Trump.

Yeah, even with some serious coaching, I don’t see him doing well without a prompter (though perhaps we should look for an earpiece...).