My First Burner

Chris Sale is listed at 6'6" and 180 lbs Kylie Bunbury is 5'8" and 130 lbs. That’s the difference between a relatively skinny ace pitcher and a model. Really bad casting.

So wait, the Dalai Lama is now one of the good guys again on jezebel? That’s so confusing...

Just enough men that all women have experienced it

Who are those witnesses and what exactly happened? You have nothing but an anonymous gossip account yet you eat it up like it was bulletproof video evidence. She wants sole physical custody of the kids and like many women before her is ready to claim anything to get what she wants during a divorce. It has become

You mean a private media company run by gay women would not be ‘about the money’? Must be nice to think that money isn’t a necessity but merely an outdated social concept.


False equivalencies? That’s what Perry did:

Yes, cuz her husband oversaw executions as well, when he was governor of Arkansas and even benfitted from them politically in the 1992 election, for taking a hard stance on crime and Hillary supported him all the way.

I want you to know that I’m not releasing the story for money. I am doing this to teach you a lesson.

I did not point out Trump’s position on the death penalty b/c a Republican being pro death penalty is as surprising as the sun rising in the east. This post was about a republican politician overseeing 200 executions as being proof of his callousness, when democrats have been proven just as cold hearted when it comes

This is, what a certain presidential candidate has to say about the death penalty. Many complicated and conflicted feelings and lots and lots of obfuscating.

You do realize that Pitt is 52? How is he supposed to look? Are you going to tell me that the guy in the trailer looks like your average 52 year old dude? Good luck finding a guy in his fifties who looks like that. This is a pretty stupid game of ageism, where feminists who usually start hyperventilating at even the

Jolie has entered this period years ago, plus she’s become all skin and bones and don’t get me even started about her collection of hideous tattoos. So, at this point Cotillard>>>>Jolie

When you think about it, Jolie kicking Pitt to the curb for allegedly having an on set affair, isn’t that like Keith Richards firing Ronnie Wood from the Stones for doing drugs?

You set the bar real low.

Just pure, unadulterated anger and resentment over the fact that a studio spent $120 million dollars on a movie about “a writer from New York who’s interested in cosmic travel” named Aurora Dunn (Jennifer Lawrence) who falls in love with “a mechanic who wants to leave Earth” named Jim Preston (Chris Pratt)

Not so fast. When Aniston and Theroux will have their divorce in a few years, the main topic will be about the pets. Pitt and Jolie have children they both tend to. So I guess Pitt still sees this as a win.

Pitt started his acting career in 1987. The abuse started when Haim was a young boy (early to mid 80's). You’re either really bad at math, or just wanted to fling some poop. Not cool.

Yes, I get it, but the Reagan comparisons are moot. Reagan was an actor who could play his part in front of cameras, Trump on the other side, is barely able to contain himself on a good day. Standing side by side with Clinton, he’s either going to explode eventually, or he will manage to contain himself and be

If the rules are the same as in the last few GEs, then Trump has very little room to maneuver. Compared to Clinton he’s barely coherent and it will eventually show. Now, if Clinton starts coughing again, all bets are off...