1934 East Anaheim

After 2016 I found the meaning of life: Pain.

Jezebel is okay with killing babies. Huge enormo surprise.

Ok well it’s not like he’s got frosted tips or anything but it’s definitely a good enough haircut for 1890 I mean come on.  I really wish he had the mustache as a baby though.  Would have been extra adorable. 

Awww haha he’s actually pretty cute! No mustache though :(

Haha what?

This really isn’t that hard and you should try to understand it before pretending the word “cunning” is a disqualifier.

There is nothing more boring than a string of puns and that’s pretty much what DS is these days. I’ll try my hand over there but most of the articles I just don’t care about.

Boras. Man, been a while since I hear that name. Where’s Rosenhaus these days? Those were the two guys that got me into HOB smash hit Entourage.  Damn now that was a good show.  When they bringing that one back lmao?  Bout time to see what the fellas up to right?

Wrong and offensive to boot, even though it doesn’t seem like you realize it so I will let it pass just this once.

A boycott against Kaepitalist’s spokemanship of Nike would do nothing. Nike knows where there bread is buttered and it’s not “Suburban Dad and Trump Voter.” Nike, like Kaepitalist, had no downside to the massive publicity they got from paying him to say things. Gillette could be a different story, insofar as their

The biggest failure of unions is that they politically aligned themselves, thus reducing by half sympathy for the working man versus his owners.

Kaepitalist’s strategy makes a lot of sense if you have the mental leeway to consider that people will sometimes do things for themselves at the expense of their own honesty and integrity. Just because you like what he says doesn’t mean he isn’t saying it foremost for the money.

He’s backed by the loudest segments of the population including multinational corps. Please, spare us the “He hate me” routine. Doesn’t apply here.

Listen, I’m not saying that Kapp has a lot of foresight or anything. I’m just saying he has enough to know that getting a massive amount of publicity at the end of your career might mean a pivot into another adjacent and lucrative career.

Dressed my 2yo up as Kanye last Halloween and put one of his tweets on his outfit.  Dressed my 5yo up as Drake and did the same tweet thing on his.  Huge hit around the neighborhood.

On the blogs? Aren’t these all blogs, Splinter included? Here’s our mutual ground - nobody comments here anymore. If there were more commenters we would both be satisfied.

I’ve decided not to play in the Super Bowl this year in order to train for the World Series.

Hmmmm... not exactly the response I expected.  You must understand that’s a tough deal for me to accept.  Why Splinter only?

Alright man.  Let’s call a truce.  You’re good.  Damn good.  How about this... you throw away the key to this account and I promise to only write genuine opinions on Splinter.  I reserve the right to troll the guys at Jezebel though.  Sounds fair.  That’s the best deal I can give you at the moment.

He getting paid.  You’re bouncing between one giant corporation and another.  Neither care about the message.  Same is true for Kaepernick.  It’s about money.  He could have been playing but made the wise financial decision to become a spokesman for Nike.