1934 East Anaheim

Boyfriend, you’re just stirring the pot to amuse your dumb self.

Invest in 3 good pairs of dress pants: black, gray, navy blue. Buy some nice sweaters that will go with these pants. Sweaters are almost the same as sweatshirts! For warmer weather, replace sweaters with blouses or cute, flowy tops. I would beg you to rethink your stance on skirts. They are comfortable! They are good f

The age old question of what to do with Baby Hitler.

I posted this on Jez, but in a nutshell if your best solution to this scenario is to kidnap a terrified baby from it’s loving family where the parents never know why, where he is, and what’s become of him is a “humane” solution to this stupid hypothetical, then you’re a fucking moron

Doesn’t Kaepernick choosing to take those endorsement dollars represent a fundamental silencing of the poor people of color toiling for slave wages to make t-shirts with his name, image and slogan on them?

Are you kink shaming now? There is noting inherently wrong with pee in a sexual context. If all parties are adults and consent to pee, and/or a video, then they are can pee away in peace.

You guys are going to be so heartbroken the first time she has to compromise to get some legislation passed. It’ll be like finding out Santa is just your parents.

Bulochnikov also allegedly lifted Shakhnazaryan’s breasts and placed objects, like iPhones and remote controls, beneath them.

People don’t like AOC because she tweets about Cardi B. They like AOC because she tweets about taxing rich people at 70% to fix real problems in the world.   Centrist Democrats are desperately trying to ignore that part of her popularity.  

I am not insane.  Yet.


Can’t do 20% man sorry. That’s a lot. I’ll do 10% though!

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

It’s so funny the shallow things Bernie haters pretend to be upset about so they can avoid focusing on the issues and ideas Bernie talks about that make him so popular.

Bernie 2016 served a very valuable purpose.  But I don’t know why I’d vote for him rather than E Warren or S Brown.