1934 East Anaheim

If you want to be ungreyed all you have to do is comment.

Quoting Paul Krugman takes away from whatever point you’re trying to make.

Normalizing degradation and the submission to such acts is not a kink, it’s violence.

Claims and allegations are not conspiracy theories. That said, please continue to misuse and overuse this word until it becomes as meaningless as the cries of “that’s racist!”

I should clarify. What I represented as “The GOP’s” position is actually just Trump and Rand’s position. They have their followers but there are certainly large swaths of the GOP establishment that wants massive immigration and ignorant hordes of voters.

Since sometime around September 11, 2001 American Culture turned into one giant corporate sellout fest. This should not be surprising.

The NBA is turning into a league of Harlem Globetrotters.

Not food.

Pelosi and Schumer should really consider whether their voters who are not being paid will stop voting Dem because of this.  Trump’s only asking for 5.7BN.  We give more than that to Israel every single year for no reason.  Just give it to the president and get your voters out of the homeless shelters.

As always, the truth here is somewhere in the middle.

No?  You don’t think men invented and still produce Golden Shower videos that normalize this sort of behavior?

AOC’s gampa is dead. Not funny or cool. Maybe look into the story of how he died and then you’ll realize she fight for good.

Cruel. Just cruel. How is this the first time we have heard of this specific case? This is Weinstein-level abuse and should go neither unnoticed nor unpunished.

Twitter is the only place to get unfiltered, uncensored opinions from real people.  Literally one of the best inventions of all time.  

That’s what politicians and most of the country just doesn’t get. AOC is unique, genuine, and literally the face of the future. She will change politics as we know them and usher in an era of people just being real. And that’s super refreshing.

Much more likely that the GOP attempts character assassination on Mr. Cohen in an attempt to discredit him.  Not going to work this time though because he’s clearly telling the truth.

I always thought Cohen was a lying slimeball lawyer but now he actually seems pretty honest and trustworthy.

Level II: Delete all the apps from your phone.  

Have some doubt.  It’s healthy.  Look at Hillary’s Disciples now... they are mentally ill.  Granted, this will be very different.  Their world was turned completely upside down and they went insane as a result.  Still, a little doubt is healthy and good.

Can’t do 20% man sorry. That’s a lot. I’ll do 10% though!