
I miss you Ang.

Raised Quaker. Schooling until college was Friends schools. Can confirm boiler plate madness.

Now THAT’S a man. 

Soft cheese. Seafood.

I’m alone, snuggled hard in bed. Dog next to me... and I just laughed so hard the dog flew off the bed.

Oh why didn’t Girlfriend Cooper just lean the fuck over and start braiding AOC’s hair?

9 month sentence, whatever.

Uh. Isn’t that almost the exact amount of Hitlers border wall? You want it so bad, use the piracy gains and build your fucking wall.

Are the stockings embroidered or do they have Karen’s eye-for-flair identifying charms dangling from them so Santa, I mean Jesus knows who’s is who’s?

Oh you CUNT! It’s not YOUR anything. Fuck you, cunt. 

Please add: WONT KEEP ME LOGGED IN!!!!!!

It seems to be the conservative movement is inseparable from greed and cruelty now. Maybe it always was, but was dressed for cotillion. 

I’m pretty sure my jr. high school music teacher would see himself a woody Allen and not as a pedofile.

Perez blows. This isn’t the kind of guy that will move progressivism forward. He’s weak, as is evidenced of his bitch fit.

Or maybe not.. :)

You know the new bar he got for all his trouble will sell Zima. 

I think this is the primary reason why. Gramps and his buds are locked out of this economy. 

Party People, can anyone explain the Miami of Ohio frown-smile-pensive face combo these cunts all sport? Walker. Ryan. Santorum...

The Omen, that’s what the fuck is going on.

So much for the Marshall Plan.