
I believe that is called Pencing.  

It’s like a circle jerk where nobody’s allowed to cum. 

What am I missing here, with all the snark?

The biggest problem the problem solvers can solve is getting rid of the problem solvers.

I think, and I may have gotten this wrong because I pirouetted through my living room and crashed into the walls 3 times trying to understand it, that the argument is that if you weren’t against payday lenders, then these furlouged workers would be able to get money to pay their bills.

I’ll need someone to even explain what this tweet is even attempting to get at. How in the world would those be two mutually exclusive beliefs?

I love ranting. And I love this rant. I think ranting about things that don’t matter much is my super power. I want to rant with Jamie Leigh Curtis. 

Was hoping she was against it simply because they were pushing bottled water — which is evil.

The implied causation presented with those statistics makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Maybe her failed committed relationships taught her valuable life lessons that contributed to the success of her marriage. Maybe her abortion allowed her to finish college and achieve her dreams.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

Is this not the logical conclusion to be drawn from everything that has happened since Trump asked Russia to look for Hillary’s emails? And isn’t everything Trump has tweeted and Sanders said about these investigations exactly what guilty parties would say in reaction to the investigations?

Aww, poor widdle Donnie done painted himself into a corner and don’t know how to lie himself out of it.


“If a male staff needs to enter a female room, they need to bring in a female employee with them.”

I don’t believe that AOC needs a softball interview. She’s a politician, she should be able to defend her positions. But I do think a challenging interview can be accomplished without condescension, and given the condescension she’s been hammered with since she rose in prominence... maybe it’s just Anderson, or maybe

There’s nothing “bad” about this interview.

For Wall-to-Wall calls, you can always count on Viserion Wireless.

That photo on the poster makes him look like a balloon in the fog.