
Kraft’s lawyers are complaining that this “release and catch” scheme was illegal...

Tuberville would probably have a good chance of winning the general in Alabama, but let’s remember that the election is still over a year away, so odds are about 50/50 that he’d end up running a campaign in a different state.

Summitt Mounts, Peaks

“This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled . . .

America, UCF, and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

When did Cam Newton get married?

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

It was definitely a major break from the way people usually walk the streets of Cleveland:

While we’re probably going to be very quick to pass judgement on Rielly, I think it should be remembered that he himself is so dyslexic he doesn’t even know how to spell his own last name.

to your point: I’ve lived next door to Marquette for my entire life, I attended NMU from 97-01, and I didn’t know Howard Schultz was an NMU grad until about two years ago. Fuck that guy.

One day, I will achieve my dream job of being the guy who writes NFL combine questions. I’ve been keeping a notebook for years. A few samples:

To really put the duration of this contract into perspective, when it expires, R. Kelly will try to have sex with it.

I too am a billionaire if you estimate the value of my brand at $4 billion. Please don’t make me own the Bills.

Suddenly every fortnight seemed too little

Kyle, I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better, but you need rest more than you need the harsh light from a screen.

Its not fair to ask him questions so close to sundown.

Richardsons first check will bounce even higher.

In this case, “unsportsmanlike conduct” is cover for “Dude, we can’t afford to replace that ball, and we only have this stadium until 7pm!

Toucher and Rich, Gray