there is that little fact too but I didn’t want to give away the ending 🙂
there is that little fact too but I didn’t want to give away the ending 🙂
don’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it.
at least Chance was merely a gardener. I wouldn’t mind a gentle gardener over this orange monster any day. He would have kept the EPA at least.
I’m glad to know I paid close attention to my ciricus friends haha :)
the thing to note however is Pink was working with silks and Gaga had wires. that’s a different medium. I don’t know much myself but I have friends in circus and they’re just different mediums. wires let you jump into stadiums, silks do not - they let you do amazing spinning acrobatics.
My thoughts exactly!
I don’t think a lot of liberals realize how challenging those lyrics can still seem to many many people. we take it way too much for granted that people are comfortable with someone like Lady Gaga and what she represents. that’s the liberal bubble for you.
I was literally dressed as a founding (mother) father at the women’s march. Someone said I was smart to appropriate the tea party for a liberal protest, I replied that I agreed but also I want to reverse the notion that somehow patriotism is reserved for conservatives. time to take that shit back!
what? I see the French always wearing sunglasses. always. I think it really depends how you dress. a blazer and a scarf and sunglasses couldn’t BE more French. A t-shirt and jeans and white tennis shoes? tourist.
dress nicely on top of the shoes. that’s a big plus in Paris especially. I wore my favorite walking shoes and a nice blazer and I was treated wonderfully. I’m pretty sure they were convinced I wasn’t American.
you’re suggesting he has a fucking clue what Andrew Jackson did beyond being an image.
don’t forget we’ll then vote in a woman or another black guy who will fix things but then get blamed for not fixing things fast enough. and boo hiss I’m so mad at the system for trying to give my healthcare again.
in many ways Hollywood and showbiz were one of the few ways the poor could “make it big” and that is why it attracted so many immigrants, like the Jewish the Irish, the Italian. the old school hollywood story that inspires such movies as “La La Land” exists in a reason. the sad fact is, the reality of that idea barely…
it is in the sense that when Hollywood began and even the fashion world, you could be a nobody with talent and get a contract and work your way up. you’d be “discovered” or working in vaudeville and bit parts. I’m not saying it was better but most of the classic stars these children of Hollywood try to emulate came…
god that beautiful face, and then the face at the top of this page ☹️
Beyoncé has performed at the Super Bowl twice so... why are we picking and choosing who to be mad at?
exactly work is work.
is it bad I see her like that already? I love her work, just like I love my friends. but I don’t need this shit from anyone.
regardless of the result I’d like to actually thank her and show my support. Anyone know the right contact information?
exactly. they are purposely trying to make this all feel immediate and terrifying and like much of what he is doing is going to happen right now and the world will actually explode at this very moment.