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As a white-as-a-snowflake (I’m from northern Europe) woman, I always play as a black or brown woman.

They know the reality of disproportionate police brutality, but they don’t have to worry about their children being shot in the face. Their kids receive good educations. Their kids can wear hoodies whenever they please.

Using science, I have determined that this list is objectively 100% correct.

Persona 5 is not a mainline Shin Megami Tensei game.

Wow. Someone on the other side of town just got a free pair of ugly sunglasses from the heavens.

“Shitting furiously” is my new favorite concept of 2018.

I’ll get on topic in a sec, but first:

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics one has to perform every day when one is a non-Caucasian and/or non-male and/or non-heterosexual Trump supporter.

Oh good. Everyone’s favorite real life pokémon, Furhat, has evolved into Fursona.

I don’t REGRET playing Destiny or Destiny 2.
It’s not like I didn’t enjoy those games and believe in them. It’s just that now that we know what Bungie’s plans are for improving D2, it’s clear to me that they’re not doing anything to the game’s most fundamental problems any time soon. And I’m done waiting. I already

I’m saying this with nothing but love for the Destiny series:

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Dear Drake


Neither. It’s called an obvious joke.

Listen. It’d otherwise think this was a pretty funny gag, but this breaks the game’s loot system.

Wait. Whoa. I thought the MAGA crowd agreed that freedom of speech is good and political correctness is bad. What seems to be the problem here?

Yeah, well I’m from Finland.
We never had the kind of arcade scene that North America (I presume?) had.

Baldur’s Gate was on 5 discs.
6 if you had the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion.