
Unlikely, but point taken.  You are mad.  

This country has slid so hard backwards that a little touch of fascism - an essence, as it were - may be the only thing that can save it.

Done.  Now go home. 

Didn’t say we did.  Said we should. 

The slippery slope stops at “citizen.”  This guy’s gotta go. 

No problem, Hector.  And listen - take advantage of that free education.  It’s an enormous privilege.  Recognize that and use it.  Be well. 

Definitely hate speech.

Not “good citizens.” Citizens.

I too watched Making A Murderer. I too sympathized with Steven Avery and that other weirdo. Brandon Massey, that was his name. Yes, a false admission there as well.

Summer’s almost over, Hector. Almost time to go back to school.

So you’re a white guy? Opinion = invalid.

Seriously? The guy already admitted killing her.

Why do you people pretend you are Americans online? You are not fooling anybody and you have got to go back.

First of all, stop pretending you’re American. You’re not fooling anyone. Second of all, sarcasm doesn’t work when you’re stating something so obviously correct. The rest of the world is not afforded the benefits we enjoy as citizens because... and here’s the hard part... they aren’t American citizens.

I thought Trump killed off PBS.  Or was that NPR?  Man I love Trump.  He a good boi. 

Your attempt at analogy makes no sense considering the crux here is that this guy was here illegally. That said, the guy who killed his wife and likely killed his daughters too [he claimed his wife did, then he killed her] should be erased from the gene pool ASAP.

To be fair, democracy has many flaws.  We really should give fascism a chance. 

The difference is that a major political party is campaigning on letting anyone and everyone into this country. If they just didn’t do that. If they just agreed to enforce already-existing laws, she would still be alive.

Richard Spencer is a CIA spook.  This video is enjoyable for everyone. 

DoobyOne understands that logic wins and is asking anyone and everyone to dismiss my replies because something something racism or something.