
See also India, Hong Kong, etc. There isn’t just one blueprint.

White South African farmers have been targeted by mobs of “natives” for several years now. They are raped, tortured, and murdered. And this was just kind of the natural state of Africa anyway so not really a story. But now that the government has legitimized racial violence against white people it’s, well, kind of a

You can shove your politically correct, absurdly literal and joke stomping stick straight up your ass.

-A Born U.S. Citizen.

Between the two of us, I am the only one with evidence to support my claim, but it is possible that we’re both right. 

First the left normalized racism by calling everyone racist. Now you are normalizing Nazism by calling everyone a Nazi.

Yes they do lol. But really, that's a good thing.

Does it not occur to you that some people are just patronizing assholes? It isn’t necessarily sexist. Maybe put your sexism aside and realize that not everything is a sexist attack on you or women in general.