
Nothing will come of any of this and I will tell you why: you don’t have anything on Trump. Nothing. This is an insinuation game with the explicit goal of preventing Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Kanye has a cool haircut, however.

Probably whether the recording is legit and whether he was provoked to say that stuff or not.  Freedom of speech either way but learning more about the case is always a good idea. 

Article about racism up for over an hour with 20 comments.

You guys know that gangster rap was a CIA product right? They funded it throughout the 90s and into the early naughts. Just think about it. Then think about Tupac, how he died, and what he was saying and where he was going with his music prior to his death.

So many words to say “I hope not.”

Democrats have done nothing for the communities that vote for them. In most cases just the opposite. Look at Maxine Waters’ [low IQ leader of the Democratic Party] district. Crime stricken, drug addled hellscape.

Trump is going to get three “as written” constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. That means birthright citizenship will be challenged and overturned.


Let’s be clear: The word “racist” has lost all meaning through flippant overuse. Nobody cares about being “racist” anymore. This is why the left is now focused on calling people “Nazis.” But the half-life of its effect is already in the rear view.

I do not believe that illegal immigrants should have rights under our constitution nor do I believe in birthright citizenship.

Kanye said slavery was a choice. 

Insightful comment.  Sounds like you have your finger on the pulse here.  Can you give me a quick rundown on what’s happening?

School are gun free zones tho     ?

I just wish there was some sort of blueprint for how this plays out.

You should really learn about the situation before you comment. 

To the future millions of native South Africans that will be starving to death in the future...

White South African farmers have been targeted by mobs of “natives” for several years now. They are raped, tortured, and murdered. And this was just kind of the natural state of Africa anyway so not really a story. But now that the government has legitimized racial violence against white people it’s, well, kind of a

Just looked through them.  Several people you wouldn’t expect.