
Doesn’t change the fact that if this guy wasn’t allowed to break the first law [illegal border crossing] that he necessarily could not broken the second, third, fourth, fifth, ...n. [Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, Desecration, etc etc]

This is you knowing you are wrong. 

This is an excellent article. It pains me to have to remind everyone that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with Obama’s [and Mueller’s] approval, sold 20% of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

First the left normalized racism by calling everyone racist. Now you are normalizing Nazism by calling everyone a Nazi.

At least he’s not a murderer.

He led authorities to her body.

He’s not a US Citizen and therefore does not deserve a day in court.  Drive him to the border and hang him on the other side of the wall.

This illegal is a sub-human though. Anyone who can steal someone’s daughter for his own sexual gratification only to murder her afterwards really does lack humanity.

If this animal wasn’t in the country she would still be alive. Simple fact.

Yeah, well the guy owns hotels. Deal with it.

Tell us more about what you like and dislike.

Why do leftums think that anything counter to their worldview or pre-approved set of talking points is “trolling?” This is why you can’t meme.

Unions are racist against undocumented immigrants.

No, he isn’t making a ton of money off being president. If he was that wouldn’t be in question format.

In short, China is behind each and every one of those stories. That you don’t understand that is not very surprising.

Eh, boring. I didn’t say they disarmed. I said they were starting the process. You apparently think that takes a month.

Obama was born in Kenya.   Nothing wrong with that.  The reason everyone got so worked up about it is because it was true.

I guess you are unfamiliar with the lexicon of professional academia.  Career students transitioning to faculty very much think they are “getting into” a school.  Same is true in the medical field.  Get smarter friends. 

Stories from the future?  Those stories were from last month.  Is denuclearization a two week process or something?  lmao you people... not smart people.

Wooo yeah Hilla... Warren 2020 !!!! lol