Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

I mean, it IS a very real and debilitating condition. You just have the symptomology all wrong. It’s also apparently highly contagious in close quarters. The Splinter HQ needs to be tented and examined.

I don’t blame Trump. Most media companies are actively trying to derail Trump (as they did with past Republican administrations), while others (Fox News) gleefully suck at his teat. Somewhere in the last few decades, the mainstream media has transitioned from “Here is the news” to “Here is the news...........and this

Adios! Fuck that fascist!

I have to say, “centrist tin foil conspiracy theorist” is an...interesting character. 

Adios, enano sin espinas.

You couldn't be more right. Those racist Nazis would've preferred the whole island be wiped out.

Not sure why they’re fudging the numbers, as I’m pretty certain Trump and his supporters would prefer an extra 1,300 dead Puerto Ricans.

You put too much trust is corporations man

To me, this sounds like free press, not a website or paper run by a corporate agenda & rush to relevancy.  And I blame corporate raiders more than frumpy drumpf (though Donny Diaper shares some blame, def)

Uh....this really has nothing to do with anything. If anything, SEAinLA would be the model for increased accountability of everyone involved. First, consider how many high-profile media members (especially TV, but press included) have traded fact-checking and verification for access. Second, accurate political

Totally agree. Here I am, a Hillary voter, wondering if this socialist bullshit is going to go away before 2020, or if I am going to have to either not vote at all, or vote against socialism.

This group is pretending that the centrists are locked in voting D for some reason, and even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is

Maybe our trusted media companies should go back to reporting facts instead of spinning stories and narratives. Doesn’t matter if they’re CNN, FOX or MSNBC, everyone in that industry is just trying to keep the 24/7 news machine churning in an effort to keep pulling in that sweet revenue. There’s the real threat to our

oh Tomato...you almost got me.

To be fair though, the SJW scum who want to abolish ICE also don’t care what those soccer moms think because to them, the lives of middle american people don’t matter and that they will Khmer Rogue those soccer moms once ICE has been “vanished” Khmer Rogue style.

It’s called “Free Press” anyone can report what they want even if they aren’t a journalist. You are free to report on anything without being an established source, often times these sources are more reliable because they have less reason to scew something one way or another. Mass media these days is more about getting

Why is it a problem if a nobody gets the info out there before a traditional outlet? If the info is true, that’s what matters, not who is saying it. 

Free press is a pillar of democracy, not the foundation.  Not one thing can be the foundation of democracy, that implies one thing is absolute over all other things... which is not the case.

Wait. The Root isn’t satire?