Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

We need to reopen the insane asylums and fill them with Splinter commenters, starting with dudebro or whatever his name is.

The only reasonable reaction is the following:

CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo, Splinter, TYT, Twitter, Daily Kos, NYT, WaPo that’s most of them.

Hi Mikhail.  Good to see you again.  Sad to hear your Twitter account was deleted :)

From Russia, without love.  Get out of here Ivan.

IK, R?

Ok, Boris.  Have your fun.  You’ve been identified and logged as a Kremlin agent and enemy of the United States.

Lorena, you’re a Sharpe one.  No pun intended. 

Well look who it is.  Evgeny.  I thought you were arrested in Florence. Oligarch buy the judge out for you again?  

You realize I’m on to you, hence this chaos tactic.  Pretty sloppy, Boris.  Pretty sloppy. 

Hurricane Maria was a tragedy.  No doubt about that.  But let’s not let it go to waste, shall we?  What’s done is done.  We can’t undo the hurricane, right?  What we can do is make sure the Puerto Ricans moving into the Southeast are enrolled to vote in the midterms.  If we do this, Florida is blue immediately and

IK, R?

Oh thank God you’re here Natalia.  Your male counterparts at the Kremlin are doing a piss poor job of promoting socialism this morning.  You are much, much better.  

You sound pretty confused for a Russian troll, Boris.  Too much vodka?

Hangup with progressives?  Hmm... let’s see.  You cost us the presidency and you are now costing us the Blue Wave.  

Check mine.  Does it appear I am not educated in what you Russians do?

Back for more, Boris?

Yeah exactly.  Why just do one good thing when you can do two?

Yeah. It’s Louisiana. 100% never-changing red state GOP stronghold. Waste of time doing this there.  Also this will be a DSA advertisement.  DSA is 100% white.

Actually, I said that helping the homeless is always good. Always. It’s just better if we can get the bonus of more votes for doing so. In Louisiana that’s not an option. The only thing the DSA loves more than wasting time and effort is losing.