Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

All for helping the homeless but you should really be doing this in Texas or Georgia where you might gain some traction among the local voters for this display of tolerance. Louisiana is a thoroughly red state and a lost cause.

Thank you.  Please tell this to the ridiculous socialist fakers in the DSA.  They are ruining us. 

Millennial DSA Posers will watch this and not understand it.

What are you on about, Doboaso?  Or is it Dmitry? 

Hello Bogdan. Looks like you have been slacking on your troll training.  Tisk tisk.  Your superiors won’t tolerate this low level much longer.  Back to work!

Oh, Vitaly.  How nice of you to pop in.  I’ve missed the discredit trolling operations out of Vladivostok.  Hope it’s not too cold over there, Vodka boy.

If you thing you know about Mueller you should check me out.  I have literally read everything about him, even tangential stuff, there is to read.  And I agree - he’s the best of the best.  But is he our guy?  I thought so.  I still hope so.  But he had the goods on Drumpfy in 2017 and if his strategy was to help us

When that person is Trump or Hitler I totally agree.  However you are forgetting just how amazing Obama was.  Best president since Abe Lincoln.  Honestly he might have been better than Abe but whatever.  I know that’s a controversial opinion.  Still, no matter where you are from, you can’t deny that if you had the

Ha, there we go again.  You Russian trolls have a nasty habit of outing yourselves by blaming Obama for literally everything.  Sorry Anatoly, sorry that Obama pwned you guys so hard while he was president.  Guess I understand why you’re so salty about him.  He won and won and won against your KGB heroes.

Oh, Boris.  You made it!  Thought we’d have the pleasure of a day without Russian trolls.  Guess not...

You don’t think Drumpfy is a dictator? Ha, I guess you’ve never read Mind Kampf.

We need laws banning Russians from commenting on or using social media and we will get them once your puppet is tried for crimes against democracy and Hillary wins the special election.

Get out of here you braindead DSA poser.  You people are helping Drumpfy much more than you know.  End your divisive rhetoric immediately and start supporting ideas that can win in the Midwest.  Centrism wins.  Damn you people for what you’ve done to us. 

No, you don’t understand. We already have all the evidence we need. Hell we had the evidence the night Trump “won.” There was no way he was going to win and yet, somehow, he “did.” Hmmmm.... wonder how?

Here’s what I don’t get.

I’m with you, jerkstore.  The DSA is the best thing that has happened to Trump yet. 

I’ve got one.


It’s filled with humorless, actually dumb people. And those dumb people truly believe they are intellectually gifted. Proving otherwise results in a permaban. Probably for the better. It was a very angry place when I was there, and that was back in Obama’s heydays. Can’t imagine the level of mental illness now. At

Bernie was just jealous of Hillary.  If you look at the fraud he and his wife were trying to pull it was basically a carbon copy of what Bill and Hillary were doing just on a much, much smaller scale.  He’s  a sad guy.