Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

Hmm... Hack and phony are debatable. The rest isn’t.

Weezer is a right wing band I thought?  1950s nostalgia?

I too remember those lyrics.

Goddamn it. God damn. There gonna Bush us again. I knew it. I knew this would happen. That’s it guys. That’s it. We’re done. Game over. This is game tf over. Sorry, someone’s gotta say it. He won. Trump won. He’s overthrown the government with the help of Russia and now our democracy is just a footnote in the coming

Seems so, my new friend. Seems so.

No bots.  No bots.  You’re the bot.

Wish I wasn’t permanently banned from HuffPo lol.  Same crowd there.  Just as easy. 

I believe that’s a product of fewer commenters overall, esp compared to the Gawker heydays. 

I have four stars. You have one.

God damn it. You people never learn. Just like socialism, abolishing ICE is a loser in the states we need to win. To the soccer moms abolishing ICE means abolishing borders and abolishing borders means scary people coming in as they please. Please think about what you are doing to our party, emphasis our. We will not

He also gave us Obamacare which was fantastic until Trump took the teeth out of it.  He also replaced Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman. 

Listen, the foundation of American democracy is our free press. We rely on them to inform us. The fact that Trump has normalized the term Fake News is literally a national security issue.

Thanks, and for the record I’m not upset or anything I just had to correct the misinfo you were spreading. Many times, and I think it was the case here, those spreading Russian agitprop do so unknowingly.

It’s definitely not new to disagree with Spike Lee.  He whitewashes his own films without outside help or pressure.

Jesus Christ Hamilton. What are you doing?

Obama... didn’t do much? How can you say that? He ended all the wars and created the strongest economy since the 50s. He normalized trans and let them be soldiers. He healed racial division, disempowered the police, and made us the envy of the world. People in Germany still basically cry when they hear his name. He is

Good for him but this shouldn’t be accepted or normalized.  The same thing is happening in the political sphere and our trusted media companies are losing scoops to unverified Twitter handles.  This does a disservice to our country and our democracy.  

It’s legal basically everywhere else though, which is the point.

First Hollywood, now comedy. I’m liking this wave of trans POCs taking over entertainment.