Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

Wait... are you honestly trying to blame Obama?  What....

Zuckerberg is a tremendous philanthropist that has promised to give 100% of his assets to charity before the year 2050.

Just posted a poll on Twitter asking who won our debate.  I’m winning 5,655 to 4 right now.  Looks like the proof is in the pudding. 

Maybe these “allies” should stop trying to lead and maybe start listening.

I think your confused.  Either that or you are straight up buying propaganda.  Remember: The winners always write the history.  

Oak Bluffs is essentially a quarantine. 

Bernie Supporter... Explain... These two things do not go together.

And if he actually had a brain tumor he would have resigned by now.

And in order to start fixing we first need to win. If yesterday’s losses proved anything, it’s that the DSA and the extreme left in general are not able to win.

You have been tricked, lied to, and used.  Your views are a combination of fan fiction and Russian social media psyops. 

I don’t have a dishwasher or a garbage disposal so I just fill my sink up with water and bunch of soap and leave the dishes there for a couple days.  They always come out clean.

Doesn’t wear burqa. Doesn’t wear headscarf. Believes in God.

She’s basically a soccer mom. And that’s a good thing.

In a perfect world both, but this world is far from perfect.  So I’ll settle for head coach/QB. 

I do.  I have a big problem with what he said.  He basically is saying that white people freed the slaves which isn’t true. 

I’ll take Kaep over Jarvis all day every day and seven times on Sunday. 

Hothouse... hothouse... something about that term is very agreeable. 

Fun Fact: Until 2013's Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge [STOCK] Act this was completely legal.  This is a big reason why Gen Z no longer trusts the government and supports Trump and fascism. 

Most Muslims would say she is not one due to the fact she refuses to wear a headscarf and/or burqa.  To me she is not Muslim but a standard Westernized woman.  And that’s a good thing. 

Bernie is a hack and a phony. Guy has three mansions, millions of dollars in the bank, and a sick FBI investigation into he and his wife’s fraudulent financial transactions through Burlington College.