Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

You do realize the free press started with pamphlets like “common Sense” that were printed in somebody’s basement and handed out to anyone who would take a copy?  I don’t care for Reddit, but it seems like the internet-age version of that.

If the news is accurate, who cares where it comes from?

Now it’s being reported he gave information to the FBI for the Steele dossier. 

The same thing is happening in the political sphere and our trusted media companies are losing scoops to unverified Twitter handles.

I love how some lawyer in Cali giving inside info about basketball trades is some how a threat to our democracy. Maybe if we had a few more small time guys like this giving reliable information we wouldn’t have to rely on the mainstream media for bias info (either left or right) and of course Trump is to blame because

The members of the media have to know much of this as well, being as they’re embedded into it. Why they aren’t saying as much is not the fault of SEAinLA. As long as the information is accurate, he’s not doing a disservice to anyone. I honestly don’t care how the information gets out, as long as it does.

You should go read a book about the press in the 1800’s.

Splinter is a few rows over, bud. 

So someone leaking information to this dude is different to them leaking it to Woj? Our free press can report on it after the trade is announced by the league in that case.

I was going to give you a star for a nice sarcastic take, then I read the next followup and realized you are serious.

Not to mention his campaign manager in 2016 was Tad effin’ Devine. I’d love for a Bernie supporter to explain that one to me.

If Mc Cain were gay, he would have gone digging for gold with Trump. 

Considering Sanders and Ocasio flew out to Michigan and Kansas to campaign for Sayed and Welder....the fact both still lost seems to suggest *maybe* there’s something to letting the locals decide.

The D who wins in nyc is not going to be the same D to win in the gerrymandered midwest. That seems obvious.

How many of these we lost but not by as much as we thought victories are there now?

Special creation.

Isn’t there a bigass Marine Corps base right there? Maybe some of the $717 billion this year will go to NAVFAC environmental studies. Retired military on Oahu will appreciate it.