Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

First Bernie, then Ocasia-Cortez and The DSA, and now we’re going after our allies in Hollywood?

“The system needs to be cheated.”

You could be talking about McCain or Trump here.  McCain is a war criminal who uses his bogus legacy to avoid scrutiny.

Chicken Tinga is a great dish that everyone, even vegans, can enjoy with their family.  This entree is about togetherness, and that’s why it is Facebook’s featured dinner for the month of August. 

Purge the centrists? Any idea how insane that is? We have all the money and control vast communities of votes that you don’t and never will. You going to start busing them in because we already own that operation. And even outside of that you don’t appeal to the centrists, of which there are many, that sway elections.

IK, R?

To my knowledge Ocasia-Cortez is not “a fruit.”  I believe she is a cishet Latinx woman.  Not sure about the vegetable part either as her brain seems to function properly though not at a very high level. 

Both marijuana and guns are 100% legal.  This is a bogus case that will be thrown out and I hope he sues.

Enough to wonder if the DSA is a covert Republican op. 

Every. Single. Candidate. Ocasio-Cortez. Endorsed. LOST.

I’m sorry. This is a great and well-researched article. I don’t want to take anything away from that. I just have to say that after reading Zuckerberg’s book it’s pretty clear that he was never, and still isn’t, in this for the money.

Shake up the Dem Party Establishment? What.... no. This is a bad idea. Listen... ok, just listen for a second...

We need people to know the right opinions though.

I think your talking about icing which is just sugar and processed food-like chemicals.

Impossible to take you seriously when your username is “actual dog.”  No way your actually a dog.

Heyyy whoa what is this? Very cool. Didn’t know Splinter News had a sports’ site. Def checking this place out tomorrow.  

I have been doing online comments and text discussions for well over two years now, mostly on Facebook, and have to say that Australians are the craziest internet demons of all time. That country shouldn’t have the internet anymore. Unplug them ASAP, imo. 

They should send Mags Haberman over there now that she’s been revealed as a Trump supporter this whole time.  As long as they keep Sarah Jeong we’re good.  She’s going to save that paper. 

In time sure.  I actually don’t care whether you do or don’t I’m just saying don’t rock the boat right now.  Get on board of the boat - no rocking the boat.  Caprese?

I’m actually a very nice person.  You can tell because I like animals.