Pollo Tinga Mon Ami

I thought Marines were the Army - front line soldiers?  Navy are sailors.

This is great news, actually. Trump is destroying the GOP through infighting. We have no such problem so long as the Bernouts who didn’t even vote even though Bernie explicitly told them to don’t cause any more problems for us. Remember - the DNC is for Democrats. Bernie isn’t a Democrat. We are united over here as

Oh I thought you said Naval Base but you said NAVFAC.  

He cute

Well that other guy said 45% of people just didn’t vote.  Those were all Bernouts it looks like. I guess that proves that Bernie would have won though.

I don’t think we’re in late stage problematic yet but we’re definitely getting there. Glad others see that too and/or agree. I think we need to start targeted use of these powerful terms. That’s what I’m trying to do anyway.  It’s huge on Reddit so this is more of a Reddit problem but I can’t not see it whenever it

Ewwwww sick. Gross.  Go away. 

Never understood the deal with native Hawaiins. What the hell, did they swim there?  Surfed?  How did they come to be?

Head of lettuce costs $15 dollars in Hawaii.  And don’t even think about milk.  Lucky for them they grow a ton of natural soybeans and almonds so the milk alternative scene is actually quite nice.

That all depends on how quickly the leaks are filling up the boat with water though. Not every ship cracks perfectly in half like the Titanic. Most leaks are pretty slow, especially when they are above-deck leaks like in your example. So really you do need to take into consideration the rocks and start steering in a

I didn’t really want to get into a talk about a word it’s just that I’m seeing people use “problematic” wrong and all out of context lately. Problematic is reserved for behaviors of people and can’t really be applied to things. Like you said, Trump is problematic. He does problematic things. He himself is problematic.

My grandparents live in NJ and swear by Menendez. He’s a really good person. Let’s see how this plays out. If I know Jersey, they’ll make the right decision. Menendez just flat out knows what he’s doing. He’s the guy.

Bernie really f*cked us didn’t he.

I agree a little bit with you but more want to address your use of the word “problematic.” We can’t just use that word willy nilly for everything or it loses its meaning. Problematic is reserved for big issues.

“Because of the bureaucracy.”

That means Hillary got 84% of the votes?  I mean, I know she won but that seems a bit high. 

Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, and every other communication company should outright ban Trump supporters.  If we can stop them from talking and communicating with others than maybe their ideas will stop getting traction. 

No, that’s fake news.  Huffpo is where most people get there news.  Or people that want to know what’s really going on anyway. 

First women POTUS.