Hey, he’s a snappy dresser... “Und viss ziss new gay Empire vee heff founded, I deklare all Fridays tuu be re-nemmed “Fri-gay”!”
Hey, he’s a snappy dresser... “Und viss ziss new gay Empire vee heff founded, I deklare all Fridays tuu be re-nemmed “Fri-gay”!”
Not all, you’re right. But enough do, and enough of those who are in positions of power do. Not all people believe “X”, or “Y”. But if the powerful ones, and/or enough of them, believe it, then the others, by supporting the same causes, are by proxy supporting what those influencers are doing or saying.
I don’t…
Oh...just saw the /s (sarcasm). Sorry mate, thought you were being serious.
1) Polygamy and polyamory are emotionally impractical, historically practiced by religions around the world, and are illegal on a federal level.
2) Threesomes rarely live up to the hype. Fiction usually makes them seem more enjoyable than fact. I don’t have the herculean multitasking ability to focus on more than one…
Yes. Thanks Obama for being the first president to openly support gay marriage, showing that even our Commander in Chief believes that compassion trumps bigotry.
If you’re gonna marry a Microwave oven, be sure it has a “Popcorn” setting, then ignore it. It always burns the popcorn...
What?? Whew! Glad I have a best friend who’s gay. No sense marrying a jerk.
Though I think that might anger his bf... Eh, I can take him in a fight. ;)
Every president since Kennedy.
The outdated mindset of many...many Americans.
And yet, compassion still defeated ignorance. WOOOOT!
“Yeah! Goddamned potato-lovers! What if...what if...you wanted your cat to marry your blender, huh? What then?? Hellz, I tell ya! HELLLLZ!!!”
Or just...Nazis, taking over the World. Riding around on dinosaurs! And volcanoes.
Concerning Rabbit and the Bear? “Broken Lizard” is making a sequel. Here’s hoping 15 years doesn’t do to “Super Troopers” what 20 years did to “Dumb & Dumber”...
Like some Conservative version of “The Matrix”, where energy is harvested from...
Watching this GIF, I started thinking... “Man, I haven’t had lasagna in like, forever”.
Possibly. And I know this one is, too: the “Donut Ham Hamburger”, the breakfast ‘food’ that Jim Gaffigan predicted a whole 7 years before DD made it an artery-clogging reality.
Wouldn’t that be “Beelzeburger”?
Did you buy it?
Yes it did. :-)
Hmm... “When faced with the option to move forward into a situation with an action, or to stand still and look imposing, the latter is preferable unless the former is required for plot purposes, scene domination, or accrural of ‘badass’ points. Use the former (the action) sparingly unless death before the completion…
He also looks stupid wearing Michael Cera’s face, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .