
You stupid Conservative Republican mook.

“LBJ broke social security and gave us the welfare state”. Absolute lie. Reagan put homeless people on the street in California, Republican states use government funds for food stamps the most. Republicans are

“it’s a big step toward finding a room temperature superconductor, which could revolutionize electronics”

Save your time and energy, and write an article when you find the “room temperature superconductor”. Till then, it’s all lab theory, and your title is misleading clickbait.

Be truly sorry that you believe and promote something which is not only false, but which for 2000 years has worshiped death, human sacrifice, misogyny, child abuse, holy war, genocide, child mutilation, rape, and cruelty; and whose most ardent believers have not only defended child molesters and bigots, but wish

LBJ was a self-centered jerk, but I’d take LBJ’s administration over the administrations of Asshole Nixon, Religious-wuss Carter, Delusional Reagan, Tapioca Bush, and Satan-himself Cheney. Clinton and Obama have been...generally good, but not nearly as good as FDR or Eisenhower. JFK died before really doing anything

George has Jeb do everything: Govern Florida, get a judge to install him as President, lay the flooring of the Oval Office, get another Bush “elected”... Damned George, always making Jeb do the hard work.

“Yeah, but...I’m the Decider. Jeb’s just the ‘Do-er’. Eh-heh-heh...”

Oh wait...you’re right. Sorry. I *thought* that was strange...

45-65 year olds rated 14-17% for video games? I can see people born after 1970 (the Atari-NES generation, 35-45) missing a gaming console, but seriously; a 60-year-old would miss it? What are they playing??

1) Religion is judgemental. That is its purpose. So yes, you did mean it, and by saying you didn’t, you’ve lied.
2) Religion is stupid, and stupid is offensive.
3) You don’t mean “truth”, you mean “I hope you learn to believe my silly religion”. You lied again.
4) Your “eternity” fear-threat is as childish and

My God, it’s full of Star!

Well, it was the one outlined in dark lines, and the only one which is remotely whole...

Great. Sure. “Bible says this, Bible says that”. Blah blah blah.

Whatever silly mythology you want to believe in, that’s your business. But it doesn’t make it true, nor does it make a valid argument for anything based in reality. It just makes you look like a delusional fanatic, and I do not respect your beliefs, no

I watched Scrappy episodes as a kid, too...and never watched non-Scrappy episodes. Still haven’t ever watched a “non-Scrappy” Scooby Doo episode in my life. But I do have far more respect for the franchise than I did as a kid.

That little bastard named a whole Trope:

It’s Luke... And, I dig your style too, man. You got that whole ‘smuggler’ thing going.

As I responded to AnnieW50 and BarletCornBrew above:

I know plenty of Lefty-Liberals who believe the “natural healing” and “autism/vaccine” bullshit of the Hollywood elite, and think that vaccines are “Big Pharma” getting one over on them “for the evulz of Corporations”.

I changed “tin foil hat” to “Republican”, due to

As I responded to AnnieW50 above:

I know plenty of Lefty-Liberals who believe the “natural healing” and “autism/vaccine” bullshit of the Hollywood elite, and think that vaccines are “Big Pharma” getting one over on them “for the evulz of Corporations”.

I changed “tin foil hat” to “Republican”, due to their common themes

I love unions, and believe in them 100%.

But this wasn’t related to employee rights or compensation. He violated employment terms, and was terminated for willingly breaking an employment agreement he agreed to in good faith.

Here it is:

Agreed. I know plenty of Lefty-Liberals who believe the “natural healing” and “autism/vaccine” bullshit of the Hollywood elite, and think that vaccines are “Big Pharma” getting one over on them “for the evulz of Corporations”.

I changed “tin foil hat” to “Republican”, due to their common themes of “the government is