For all their screeching about Sharia Law and freedom these assholes are basically saying that MAYBE if you put all the interns in burquas they won’t be gross towards them. Maybe. But probably not.

her knees are showing...

FFS. I can suggest they wear very tight nooses around their necks and keep tightening them until they stop blaming the victim. Or until dead. Whichever comes first.

Slightly off topic but I am so tired of these religious organizations claiming their rules override the law. They are a tax free organization who have such status because someone back in the day thought religious organizations did good. It is a priviledge and not a guaranteed right. Flagrantly and willingly thumbing

As far as their concerns go, they DO have it together, that’s the really scary part. Religion is doing its part to make otherwise good people act poorly and give bad people the ammunition to absolve themselves of their guilt.

Do you really expect any better from people who claim to be following great moral teachings

“Do not rush into a legal dispute, for what will you do later if your neighbour humiliates you? Plead your case with your neighbour, but do not reveal what you were told confidentially, so that the one listening will not put you to shame and you spread a bad report that cannot be recalled.”

A smart man who got a lot of hate said it repeatedly and it’s still true today: religion poisons everything


I’m sure there is a spiritual dilemma in giving evidence that takes to task the oldest lie religion tells, which is that faith and religion makes people act in a better and more moral manner.

Since this is literally the only thing religion seems to have going for it and is the first tool the faithful with whip out when

“As Vice reported, one victim testified that she used to pray for Jehovah to put angels around her bed to keep her father from raping her. “

Everyone in our unfettered capitalism is being exploited. We spend our time quibbling over the most minute differences in degree. These workers are doing five times as much work as their employers, get paid a tenth as much, and suffer the loss when their employers fail.

It’s almost like there’s a reason regulations needed to be set!

Be truly sorry that you believe and promote something which is not only false, but which for 2000 years has worshiped death, human sacrifice, misogyny, child abuse, holy war, genocide, child mutilation, rape, and cruelty; and whose most ardent believers have not only defended child molesters and bigots, but wish

I'm always shocked when unfettered capitalism turns out to be exploitive. Shocked I tell you, simply shocked.

Greek life bullshit needs to die.

Right? Doing fun stuff while wearing all white = tampon ad.

It’s not a parody

It looks like one big tampon commercial.

1) Religion is judgemental. That is its purpose. So yes, you did mean it, and by saying you didn’t, you’ve lied.
2) Religion is stupid, and stupid is offensive.
3) You don’t mean “truth”, you mean “I hope you learn to believe my silly religion”. You lied again.
4) Your “eternity” fear-threat is as childish and

I can't imagine what sort of person it would have to be that on arriving and seeing a poo near them, one would have to inquire as to whether or not they ate it. Although, they do eat some freaky shit in China!