he did visit texas... just not the underwater part... and looked pretty uninterested in it all (i remember coz melania dressed up for the occasion.. in heels)
he did visit texas... just not the underwater part... and looked pretty uninterested in it all (i remember coz melania dressed up for the occasion.. in heels)
What an odd story. I’m not sure what to think about it. My parents told me to stay off peeps property just for this reason. I couldnt see myself mad enough to hit a kid in the face, maybe just a kick in the ass. I wonder if more details will come out?
I’ve legit been surprised with the response. I remember being disgusted when I saw it played back last night, but I thought folks would just talk it up to some regular dumb shit Donald says. So, I’m checking the news throughout the day, and this thing has taken on a life of his own.
Michael - it’s a common misconception, but DEFCON 5 is actually the *lowest* rating (counterintuitive, I know).
As someone who is also husky (if women are allowed to be husky too) due to depression meds, thanks to everyone who is mentioning that. I eat healthy and carefully, and I exercise. It just doesn’t matter. Some of us have this side effect and there’s nothing we can do about it. The other side of the coin would be me off…
This post is super fucked up.
Have you noticed that black people are the ONLY marginalized group in the US that really go hard on making their least favorite racist slur last forever?
Honestly it reinforces the stereotype of gay men being unflinchingly superficial. I’m pretty sure my gay brother wouldn’t have anything to do with me, being that I’m 40 lbs overweight, if we weren’t related. I love my brother, but damn is he sucked into that culture.
yeah, that sort of self-insertion was the worst part. We get it, Rich, you’re pretty. Come back and share your story when you’re ugly.
First, this is a fine written piece, but I take issue with the author in some places, and with some of the people I feel we’re supposed to sympathize with. First, it could have used much less of the author self insertion to reaffirm his own level of attractiveness. We get it, you’re hot.
I hope you don’t get a medical…
I hadn’t considered that angle (the whitening of language). It’s especially problematic when you consider that Latin-Americans are not some monolithic entity. There’s a bunch of different countries, with different cultures and dialects, that they come from.
Many latin people see it is as whitening of their language. While others disgaree, that is something Latin people need to figure out before white people start using a term many people find offensive. Whitening of cultures is something white people need to watch and check themselves. All that said “latinx” isn’t needed…
Well, that’s the thing - it’s mainly white people who use the word. If I said it to any of my Latino friends, they’d be all “Motherfucker, what?”.
I just think they use Latinx for everything on these sites, and it’s annoying. I get it that you’re trying to be sensitive, but it gets ridiculous in cases like this, where the sex and number of persons being discussed is a known.
The thought that progressives somehow wouldn’t be prone to the same “tribalism trumps truth” sort of behavior was always a silly one to me.
Why are you saying “Latinx” when it’s one person, and it’s a dude?
Give me a break dude.
I was very impressed with the official #Blacklivesmatter organization (rather than the broad cultural movement) when it explicitly aligned with all non-cis people, probably knowing that it would deprive them of a lot of national support. And guess what? It did. I’m Catholic, and I’ve been confronted in my church—by…
Yes because at the end of the day, black men will always center themselves in conversations about black women, just like white people will always center themselves in conversations about racism.
Heavier than the burdens black women face?