
Gotta love the 10AE. It's beautiful!! dat blue. Bring it back as well.

it is actually true.

Went to youtube to look for that Alfa Romeo sound you spoke of and holy balls! I agree! alfa powerplant! (or at least a similar sounding setup) all the way!!

you guys remember not even two years ago when we were all bashing on shitty activision and how we hoped EA would never become anything like them? It has happened. it is a sad day for gaming everywhere.

Amazing piece of insight! Thanks! I was wondering just that. My reasoning was that it didn't lift completely because it was tied down or something, but it was something even more scientific. :D

wait.. where did you see that? link?

In other words: Jackie Chan is a badass, but if there's one thing to take out of his movies, it's the parkour. :D

can't forget the miura fiero! or as many call it, the ''fiura'' :D

This. Then I can get the STI version whenever it comes out. :D

like mario said, I'm curious too, what's your suspension setup?

''felt a stretched SUV would be safer.'' bullshit I say. one of these is perfectly safe, and super comfortable on long trips too! then again.. With their train of thought, I wouldn't be surprised if they thought a 40 passenger stretched SUV was safer than a school bus.

That's what she said. (sorry, had to say it). On a more serious note, I agree 100%

are those *ahem*.. ''emergency induction ports'' in her nose?

Haters gonna hate. I personally really dig it! especially the front. The engine bay (compartment, whatever) could use some cleaning, but other than that, it's pretty damn cool.

although the one in the picture is extended cab, short bed.

wouldn't it be easier to just target the data centers first, then the DNS servers? Without those, even if there's connectivity thanks to cables, there's nothing to translate connections anywhere. Giving the cable cutting more time to be done.

now picture this (or photoshop it if you have the skills, I'd appreciate it) with that same treatment. :D

from that, to this.