
It would be super awesome to see the bug get rebuilt, phoenix style. Granted, money may draw out the process but I think everyone would love to see the car rise to its former glory, and maybe even surpass it.

I think you should set up this indiegogo thing, and turn the build of VW 2.0 into a series of posts. That way we can all see her come back to life! I know I'd love to read that.

If you go to traffic court and the court clerk asks you "How are teh wife and kids?"...you might be a bad driver.

If you go driving and people frequently shout obscenities at you...you might be a bad driver.


Damn. That's a whole lot of crazy.

This is fucked. Email me a photo direct matt@thesmokingtire.com and ill put that shit on blast. So sorry dude.

I found some additional information at www.ls1gto.com , they have spoken to the owner an driver and have some additional images, and will be posting a video as soon as Joey Huneycutt has had a chance to view it and is comfortable posting it. Amazingly they have a picture of him, and he looks to have survived with

The trilex rims used in trucks deserve a mention