
Heart click, just because your proposal would actually be the best course of action, yet the american government refuses to help us. (Yes, I'm a Mexican LEGALLY living in the USA, and holy shit was it difficult to go through the hoops to get that to happen) :(

CTS-V coupe. Because racecar marketed as luxury.

OMG this is the best thing since pockets!! :D

THIS! very much this! Neither road racing nor drifting are (dare I say) fun/interesting on their own, but combined they could revolutionize things for the good! I believe a couple weeks back Jalopnik posted something about the ariel atom driven by chris harris, and one of the things he said was that it wasn't a car to

DUI checkpoint, while coming home from the bar area of town, while NOT HAVING INGESTED A SINGLE DROP OF ALCOHOL.. turns out I didn't have my license on me. Got a ticket for no license.

you had me at Kyocera.. I swear those are some of the shittiest phones around.

wow thanks. They're pretty simplistic, yet go great with the miata. on to ebay! haha

that is... beautiful!

Holy crap! that silver miata looks AMAZING with those wheels! What are they?

Yes! my pistol of choice! that thing is beast!

Just looking at the comments and.. seriously? no love for the Scorpion? A mini sticky launcher that tears through brutes and banshees? Or am I missing something here?

Guilty on all counts.

Sadly, but true, and keeping up with the tradition. Because obligatory miata answer.

or she's flat chested, which is the sad alternative :(

I know right? But anyhow, I don't know about you guys, but I can fit 4 small children in my NA's trunk give or take. It depends on how well I chop them first. :D

how the hell did she fit under the car with no jacks? O_o

and the points for correct answer go to: DOMINO!! :D

four times my license was denied because my ''paperwork is not in order''. My cousin went the next day and got it on the first try, with the same paperwork I had shown the day before. Bullshit I say. Didn't even give me a chance to take the driving test.

Hi Domino, pleased to meet you too. Come here often?

Hello! :D