
wow!! this is pretty good! got me pumped. Thanks for sharing!

wait.. where is it from?

THANK YOU!! I've been in that argument so many times, but every time I bring it up I usually end up looking like a dick for arguing over it, so I just go with it now. But you're totally right.

yeah, I was gonna say. This better be just a proof of concept, because the graphics look like shit.. Unless it's the trailer for the vita version, in which case.. holy shit, you guys!

Juuust south of the mexican border. When I lived there, every day of driving was like The italian job/Gone in 60 seconds. Plus no inspections of any kind. And traffic police (which is a separate jurisdiction than regular police, which can't even pull you over for a traffic violation) is pretty corrupt, so if you don't

Kansas. Okay bear with me here for a second. It may not be the worst place to own a car, but to a Jalop, it most definitely is the most boring place. The whole state is flat as a pancake, so there's no need for curved roads of any kind. The scenery consists of crop fields and.. well.. more fields. Furthermore, there's

wow! this is much better! thanks for posting it.

ooh, makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the technical description! much appreciated :)

I was thinking more along the lines of having one of these built in.

yup, and if you buy it from sager itself, you can get it for the same $999 with a 2.3GHz Core i7 Processor

This. The white tach is seriously something beautiful to see. If and when I get one, I'll go for the scion if subaru doesn't give theirs the white tach. :D

ah, Glad to know I'm not the only one! I'm about done clearing my hotside (ps and ac be damned) to finally install a turbo.

also, upon closer inspection, the only way she'd probably look better would be in my passenger seat. oh yeah.

I take different routes from/to home too, but mainly just for fun, because miata. :D

He was probably just trying to make his VTEC kick in yo!!

probably echoing some other comments around here, but either an Integra type R, or a CRX that haven't been completely riced to oblivion. The chances of finding the holy grail in my backyard are probably higher..