
Mercury astronauts had more visibility than Camaro drivers...

I’ve been waiting a long time to use this!

Just found Navy Federal’s “Go” card, which is a refillable debit card. I use it for online purchases when I can’t paypal, and have to give them my card directly. I fill it from my account, only as much as I need, and any fraudulent attempts to charge against it are covered by the bank, and as long as I don’t enable

Did he appreciate pro-pane and pro-pane accessories

Well, that’s because it’s a Prince song.

Now playing

This made me feel obliged to post the most awesome engine start up video:

Kinja gonna kinj.

My neck just got several shades more red from watching this. It also whitened my trash.

It’s like comparing apples to caviar served on diamonds.

I’m a bimmerhead and I would take that 360 all day over the that M Land-yacht.

Now playing

And now, for something completely different: