
Almost forgot - witness the garden party at the White House after the House Republicans passed that nonsensical healthcare bill last week. I have to believe that no few number of them were fully aware that it was a PR stunt that benefits nobody but the prez. Why they play along is anybody’s guess, but the prez knows

Ha. ha. None of this matters to the prez, and I credit Colbert’s monologue on May 11 for helping me understand enough to loosen the deathgrip that the news cycle has had on my attention. See, the prez is not in the business of governing, he is in the business of show. He is immune to shame or embarrassment and any

Can testify to how brutal these are, you really do need to work up your strength and stamina over weeks and months. I thought parallel dips were hard, having gotten used to presses and pushups. Discovering L-sits was like achieving a new donkey kong level.

(thank you google image search)

My god, so pretty. THAT is how you put eyeliner on a car.


Seconded. Not hating JLo’s superfine-ness at 46 or that shaolin top-knot thing she has going on, but everything else in this video needs to die a fiery death.

you lucky bastard you