
why would i? i just think it’s sad that you are seen as lower valued because of your skincolor

but please clarify what is racist about thinking that people shouldn’t get a handout based on their skincolor, everyone struggles it’s an impossible job, to work day and night for years getting nowhere then seeing someone be told hey you’re black let’s make your dream come true, hey you’re white you don’t matter.

everything is racist today it seems

i understand people being upset, streaming or being a youtuber is an impossible dream one you badly want and work hard for and dedicate years of their life to with nothing to show for it because algorithms work against you, it’s incredibly taxing on mental health some destroy themselves for it i quit for that reason,

considering theres a hud etc makes it seem like this would make a better assassins creed game as then the hud etc would be explained

Now playing

everyone won but the consumer bravo exactly what everyone but the consumer wanted denovu causes games to be so much more demanding

ea had to ruin it and commersilize it (yes i spelled that wrong)

why do i want to eat it

doing everything i can to forget this person after how he treated me (he used to be a friend) and litterally everywhere i go there he is

he used to be a friend and he treated me like trash so not that that honest

why is it always you who does nsfw posts HMMMMMM

not like i was crying already during that scene you had to remind me by playing the music again :(

i walked through the glowing sea as i was unprepared and i survived then again i had radaways and i was encumbered

i prefer nick he is like a friend i’ve come to know and he can hack pretty much anything i hate hacking so much

Right now i have a tad of hope as i’ve gotten in contact with someone at google regarding my project, and they wanted to know more so i’ve sent a description of it now i am just waiting.

No matter how much i want to die it’s never going to happen well not by my hand it’s not, sleeping is a perfect alternative to that, safe easy and well perfect.

Some are stronger than me i guess having lost over 60 000 dollars and gotten stabbed in the back by 50+ people and ontop of that having had an awful childhood and no teenage years at all, it’s hard for me to stay positive infact i am planning on buying sleeping pills and just taking one whenever i wake up, easiest

Ihate the way it shows the value of weapons and clothing i have like 500 different clothing types no idea whats best, and i don’t want to scroll through the whole thing to look in the corner and memorize, it’s all mixed up too so the best ones aren’t at the top so i am wearing whatever really.

i wish there were more people like you who said this it would make things so much easier as being told that people care makes it harder to decide anything if everyone said it like you then it would make it so much easier

i am undecided on this game i love it but i thinkmetro 2033 nailed the feel of the end of the world SOOOOO much more can’t even be meassured this feels more cartoony and i loved fallout 3 but fallout 4 it just feels old