See the court case Finders v Keepers.
See the court case Finders v Keepers.
By the time I got there even their breakroom was ransacked, so I didn’t even get a Hertz donut.
Let’s see what happened when they raised the tariffs on Chinese steel a few years ago. Domestic steel also raised its price to within a few cents per ton of Chinese Steel. Not only did the cost of building with structural steel framing skyrocket, so did the price of pretty much every good manufactured with steel.
Republican Representatives Sam Graves of Missouri and Garret Graves of Louisiana have also been considered to lead the department, the people said.
I don’t feel so bad now about the 3 to 4 10mm sockets somewhere in the engine bay of my car.
Those idiots couldn’t find a fact in an encyclopedia haha
Ah yes. That mild year round weather of New York. Perfect for riding.
Oh’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.
Showing up to vote for the man you hope will pardon you, in the car you were ordered to turn over...
Alternate headline:
Ha. I thought the same. That’s quite the fast boat!
I’m in my early 50's. This is how it will be for the rest of my life.
Finally, DHL’s practice of chronic shipping delays pays off!
Trump, Dershowitz, Stone, Giuliani; all of them that make up the current crew of corrupt Republican assholes learned from the absolute chaos goblin master of legal nihilism, Roy Cohn. According to Roger Stone, Cohn’s “absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the IRS. He succeeded in that.”
He apparently literally JUST SHOWED UP AT A POLLING STATION IN THIS CAR. He is just out there driving it around.
I’m always sad that Peter Theil isn’t part of these conversations
Altima driver would have been my first choice.