Car companies have forgotten the lesson that GM taught the world in the 1950s.
Car companies have forgotten the lesson that GM taught the world in the 1950s.
Not a pilot, but man I tell you what if ‘ol Sully had been there he would have landed that damned thing backwards, upside down in a tornado and not put a scratch on it, the hopped out and kissed a baby. LOL
You should try the site with ad block. It’s way more useable.
I wish I shared your optimism. But most of the things you mention on your list of reasons not to worry aren’t rules, they’re just traditions. And as we saw last time, if you’re willing to just completely ignore traditions, you can cause a LOT of havoc.
You are assuming that a 2nd Trump presidency would play by conventional rules. The supreme court has given every indication that they will support and uphold whatever executive orders a Republican president wants to sign. They go into the rulings with their minds made up, and then go searching for the weakest…
Man famous for not paying his debts, doesn’t pay debts. Consequences are for the little people.
Chapman was arrested May 15 in Arizona and faces up to 97.5 years in prison, according to the DOJ. Didenko faces up to 67.5 years for his role.
Granted, this guy worked there, but as a whole, I don’t understand people who go to countries like that and are surprised they wind up in some mess cause they have these draconian laws/rules. Like years ago, those Americans who were jailed for Iran. You have the entire world to go hiking in...and that’s…
It’s ridiculous policy to allow car interest to be tax deductible.
The important question is why we’re not using Arnold Palmer’s big dong energy to power cars. People are asking. A big burly fireman came up to Trump, nearly 7 feet tall with rippling muscles and an American flag tattoo, with literal tears in his eyes, and asked Trump why he won’t force GM to create a car using BDE.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer place.
I am actually kinda happy they are going to turn Arkansas into a big ass hole.
A key difference being that my dashcam does not mysteriously turn itself off before I go all Leroy Jenkins on someone.
A nice side effect of my dashcam is that is makes ME a more, umm, polite driver. Any time I get fired up by others’ stupidity, I think, do I really want to record my own aggressive response?
What bullshit are you pushing here? Majority of people who went to this rally were white and male.
It’s also feasible to believe that this “million” number was purposefully inflated as a stock price manipulator, as Musk is wont to do.
I’m mostly pleased it’s not a MAGA sign at this point.
Hi. Gen X here. This entire article is why Boomers say Millennials are dipshits.
“Jobs across the horse and buggy industry will be lost with the pivot to the internal combustion engine”