Wow, he bragged about having enough gasoline to refill fewer than 10,000 cars and enough diesel to fill fewer than 2,500 semi trucks, in a state of 22 million people?
Wow, he bragged about having enough gasoline to refill fewer than 10,000 cars and enough diesel to fill fewer than 2,500 semi trucks, in a state of 22 million people?
I mean, it *is* hazardous waste. It requires proper labelling, storage, and disposal.
Some drums of oil is not hazardous waste, this was a car company, of course there is a bit of that. Have the lawyers figure out who owns it all, either it is the auction company or someone who will quickly engage an auction company. Let the auction happen. Hire a few temps, bring in a scrap metal dumpster, a normal…
At first this seems hilarious but these are the types of assholes that would drive around with no insurance.
I found it amusing that in only two days, port management was able to bump their offer from 50% to 62%. The money was always there.
Won’t somebody think of the corporations?
“I don’t like it, there aren’t enough doors” - all OEMs everywhere
New WCSYB can’t submit an entry mentioning a dog without also sending a picture of said animal. :D
Tesla engineers take note: this is the result of a vehicle that was properly designed to be rugged and reliable. Meanwhile, a Cybertruck is bricked after splashing through an inch deep puddle.
I’m confused. How are car seats driving down birthrates?
lmfao, this is the epitome of the old george carlin bit about how republicans only care about you until you are born, and after that you can get fucked
Car seats aren’t the problem, it’s the screaming little monsters that sit in them.
I don’t think a slight whiff of hypocrisy is a problem for them if it means even more money.
Pure laissez-faire capitalism involves child labor, selling rotted meat, and snake oil medicines. You know, everything the current GOP is pushing for.
Bad drivers never miss their exit.
The damaged sign was removed, but for whatever reason the prongs that held it in place weren’t.
“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"
“...thousands of people are going to be left wondering what to do when or if their Alfa needs to be serviced...”