I know you are, but what am I?
I know you are, but what am I?
I think it’s just how it’s presented but I see places that Terry Jones died of Aphasia but that is a symptom more then a disease in itself. Terry Jones dies from complications related to dementia
I kinda wish Rock had said “and that’s why you didn’t win the Oscar for Ali!”
Plus maybe they don’t need to publicly air every bit of their personal laundry if they don’t want it talked about. It’s not news that Hollywood stars fuck around, not sure why they felt the need to actively confirm it.
SO edgy, SO shocking, to make a joke about someone with alopecia. Oh wait...alopecia is the main cause of hair loss for people across the globe...and dudes get made fun of it all day every day and nobody gives a shit...and its not an illness... Is it mean? Sure. Does it warrant *literally assaulting someone*? No,…
Dude, the main thing I learned from last night is that Rock can take a hit like a champ.
This is unrelated to anything, but that header picture makes me realize that a young Robert Duvall would have been a perfect actor to play Putin in a movie.
There’s a lot more reasons why Part 3 suuuuuucked aside from Robert Duval not being in it. Cough...cough Andy Garcia..cough.
I could really care less about the various states of startup electric vehicle manufacturers
I insist every article about Grimes start with “...Grimes (or ‘Grimey’ as she likes to be called)...”
They’re truckers. Don’t they already have piss bottles?
How does one “mandate freedom”? Are they not aware that it’s a bit of an oxymoron?
Regarding lack of chargers. I think the REAL constraint on EV adoption is for people that don’t own a single family home.
Give it to the Ukraine Navy as a patrol boat. No Russian would ever fire on it.