On jaws 4 , (Read this in your best Michael Caine accent) “I have never seen it , but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!
On jaws 4 , (Read this in your best Michael Caine accent) “I have never seen it , but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!
Am I the only one amused that putin’s personal yacht is named for a mythical figure who managed to stay one step ahead of death by telling convoluted stories?
I think you have that backwards. Anyway buying RE right now - with the benefit of still waaaaay too-low interest rates - is going to be hung for a long time. Once rates creep up, which they definitely will in short order - values will decline in lockstep. My point was if he sunk $150MM into real estate 10 years ago…
...and owed the IRS $6.3 million in property taxes.
“It’s not that the wind is blowin’ It’s what the wind is blowin’” - Ron White
“No problem...so far.”
Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.
And surprise surprise. 🍊🍔 Lost money on it. 9 million in 3 years not counting the cost of refit and repairs.
Who wants to bet the 38-year-old was drunk and made his kid drive him home?
Cool. Now turn’em all into gay clubs
You can and should absolutely blame him for being against the labor movement. I guess you can cut him some slack in the “everyone just plays a role in a system of exploitation, and he was doomed to be the exploiter” sense, but it’s a stretch.
“I’m an electric car. I don’t go very fast or go very far.”
The character is dead. Even if he wasn’t, Sam Jackson is 73 and would be 74+ by the time filming started. Even if he wasn’t, there really wasn’t anything to the character. The only things interesting about the character was his lightsaber color.
Never trust a Christian ‘savior’.
Translation: “Before you write an article, you should probably accept the comptroller’s version without question.”
Everywhere in Iowa.