
There is zero indication that this guy started this adventure with the intent to kill himself. No one said he was seriously depressed prior to his theft, in fact, quite the contrary.  He thought he could fly the plane, and he did. He either thought he could land it too, or never thought that far ahead. That sure

...it’s hard to figure out what made Russell embark on this brazen, fatal adventure.

Nah.  Just some duct tape, zip ties and maybe some JB Weld and you’ll be good to go.

Don’t forget their peculiar cultural affinity for piracy. It’s mindboggling how large of a percentage of pirated movies are available with hardcoded dutch subtitles, considering how small the worldwide dutch-speaking population is.

Who would have guessed that the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court was a shitty lawyer who thinks that law is “whatever I say it is”?

Somebody apparently doesn’t know fuck-all about cannabis vape cartridges, or what “trace amount” means. The cartridges are typically 0.5 or 1.0 grams brand new, so 0.702 grams means it was about 70% full. Depending on usage rate, that could be a few days or a couple of weeks supply for a person.

Because the US business orthodoxy of the past 30+ years is “if you’re not increasing profit margin and market share every quarter, you are a failing company”. That mindset is what drives short-sighted off-shoring and reckless mergers & acquisitions.

I would add that their ubiquitous “Five Dollar Footlong” ad campaign of 15 years ago doomed them to an eternity of cheap-ass idiots as their customers. They deliberately branded themselves as the cheap sub place and continue to reap those rewards.

Prediction: She will be fantastic in this role and everyone around her will be better for the experience.

It’s not a “conservative” Supreme Court. It’s a fucking Roman Catholic Supreme Court! Fundies abandoned their traditional anti-catholic bias in order to get their pet project accomplished and will now have to deal with the consequences of their bullshit-infused partners, as American Catholics are a joke.

Dolly Parton has told a great story about being approached by Colonel Tom with the intention of having Elvis do I Will Always Love You, which would have been fantastic. Unfortunately, part of the standard Elvis deal was that he would get a songwriting credit for songs he performed, and that is a “no dice” situation

For all the hand-wringing about Obama’s fiery pastor, there was absolutely no talk of Trump’s complete lack of church attendance or his reference to “Two Corinthians”. Does Rudy Giuliani qualify as a “spiritual advisor”?

He was supposedly sober, but they found a lot of mary jane on his car.

She would have a lot better chance of claiming to not know how the Electoral College works if her husband of many decades wasn’t one of the the foremost legal experts in the country. She and Clarence have no plausible deniability of knowing how those laws work. Her repeated communications on the matter indicate that

The one exception would be Boeing moving its executive HQ from Seattle to Chicago about 20 years ago. (WA has no income tax.) That was a cynical move by then-CEO Phil Condit to escape the constant gossip regarding his cheating on his wife at the time. That move started the self-destruction of Boeing.

5th Gear: A simple explanation for why a company would move its headquarters, where the highest paid employees work, to Texas would be income tax rates.  As long as the executives are given generous moving allowances, why wouldn’t they want to move?

Everyone should be concerned about connivance stores. Sketchy shit going on there.

5th Gear:  Screw the buyouts.  Put them all on Putin’s dole.  

The funniest part is that “Mixolydian” is the name of a spermicide.

So your solution to this non-problem is to have The View go to late-night? While it probably wouldn’t be difficult to find a hack, a has-been, a bigot and a nobody to put on stage, do we really want to increase the land mass of wasteland TV?