One contract was on 3/28 (hers), the other on 3/29 (his). Totally different formats & verbiage to the documents, which suggest more than one promoter agent at work here. Looks like nobody knew who was going to be the headliner until they had two of them.
Isn’t it amazing that cops can’t wait to choke out an unarmed black man for selling cigarettes, but cower in fear when a teenager has a gun and is executing children? It’s almost like they know assault rifles are killing machines.
Pretty questionable business move by JT. Maybe he needs a court-appointed conservator?
There are many billions in frozen Russian assets that can be re-directed to reparations when the time comes. No one is going to trust those fuckers to just write a check in worthless rubles, so their damages will be paid in forfeited super-yachts and soccer teams.
As my ol’ pappy used to say, “Money is a lot like garbage: build a big enough pile, and you’re bound to attract vermin.”
When even one of the offended tweeters says they had to “hear ~12,000 people laugh at a transphobic joke”, it makes you think that the vast majority of the audience had no problem with Chappelle’s material. That’s the real story here, not that a handful of people didn’t like the show.
Not all of them were rich, either, Some of them (Washington, Allen) were heavily indebted land speculators looking to cancel their debts by cancelling their debtors.
We’ve had 150+ years of living with trains, more than long enough for the basic “don’t fuck with a train” knowledge to be a steadfast part of common culture. I say this as someone who used to hop on & off a very slow moving train to get to work in the mornings. I knew it was stupid, but even I was smart enough to jump…
The Prius should have a factory installed bumper sticker that says “Saving the planet by riding my brakes”.
Investing is a lot like gambling in the sense that you expect to make money based on your opinions, not your productivity. It might be an educated opinion, but it is still other people doing the work and there no guarantee that your opinion will become fact.
Probably because Geena Davis has looked exactly the same for 30+ years.
There’s an even more strained explanation of Connery’s accent in Family Business, where he is the father & grand-father of Dustin Hoffman and Matthew Broderick. I beg you not to see this movie, even if it’s just to get that strained explanation.
I’m Elon Musk knows a lot about manual labor.
Swap the decal for some horns mounted to the hood and you might have something worthwhile, if listed at half the price.
Let’s hope that part of the deal allows him to keep his masters in his own fire-proof facility.
“...depictions are based on extensive factual research and reliable sourcing”
Reverse: This is why letting the Russians take the lead in the Syrian Civil War was a bad idea. Not for some altruistic BS, or any principles about “red lines”. Letting their alcoholic soldiers get live fire experience with their garbage equipment let Putin think attacking Ukraine was a possibility. It’s why the North…
The multiple stages in today’s races are a prime example of “contrived”. Just race the fuckin’ cars, start to finish, and see who wins.