“Guava Jelly” written by Bob Marley and recorded by Johnny Nash.
“Guava Jelly” written by Bob Marley and recorded by Johnny Nash.
I guess since software engineers are so resistant to unionization, their participation in these workforce statistics is ignored?
It’s not his bones that are racist, it’s his pea brain. The targets of his hatred are so varied, he’s into Nixon misanthrope territory.
The kind of people who buy Teslas already have at least one other car in their garage they can drive when the Tesla fails. No one cares about quality because it is still a status toy and not a working tool.
I guess that means the billions of tax dollars that went to SDI were all well spent?
“...along with video from one of the mens’ phones demonstrating...”
There are stories of Charlie Sheen spending 6 hours a day on a beach in Hawaii pumping iron to get jacked for Hot Shots Part Deux, with a personal trainer at hand the whole time. Classic D-bol physique. Will Smith in Ali is another example. He was more jacked than his subject ever was! Gotta prepare for your part.
Also casino blackjack tables are using multi-deck shoots for cards, so you’d really need an inside person to make it happen.
Today on BaT (bring a ‘teener).....
This sounds like a pretty sophisticated operation for a used car dealer to run, and the numbers cited aren’t massive. Given that this happened in Providence and the Feds got involved, I’m guessing organized crime. Perhaps a variation of the “Bust Out” method of The Sopranos?
Are your kids named Biff and Zowie?
I refer to it as using your body as scratch paper, to the point you end up looking like the men’s room wall at a bus station. The poetry tattoos are the funniest ones: it makes it look like you’ve only read one book in your life. There should be more important words and names in your life than your skin can display.…
It’s just a trim job, no need to make a big flap about it.
3rd Gear:
Lex ========>
Old pumpkins never die, they just slowly decompose on your lazy-ass neighbor’s porch.
Your address has a lot to do with your rates. I live in a demolition derby zone, so the rate for my worthless car are much higher than they would be if I lived in the sticks.
2a. Bye, expensive car.
That ad offended me as a LEGO collector.
Yeah, when someone asks for purchasing advice, your first response should be “what models are you considering?”. From their list, pick the best non-German option.