
I’m still struggling with their launch titles... Zelda (yay!), Switch’s version of Wii Sports (i.e. Arms and 1, 2 Switch)... Is that it?

So... what ARE the launch titles?

It’s planned for launch! This summer.

And thank goodness for that!

Same here! I hated the Wii motion controls (too floaty and inaccurate) and nothing on the Wii U really struck me as making it worth owning.

No mission restart, yet? I stopped playing because somehow someone died in my no-death Corvo run. :/

What can I say? We’re like Mr. and Mrs. Smith but with less money.

My wife’s response, “That’s going to kill you. I want to try it.”

The Pro is even easier... there’s literally a screw or two on the back of the machine that you remove to then pop the old HDD out.

I loved the first one... the gameplay was only decent but the charm of the game was what won me over. The world, characters, and general goofiness just made it all worth while.

Well, dang. That’s kind of disappointing... I like Hideki Kamiya’s work and was looking forward to seeing how everything we had seen worked.


But it should also punish people for peeking out around something (especially when it’s done in that way). What it should do is stun someone for a second before they get reeled in. That way you can’t have someone just dancing back and forth with a tree in between you, with RH not being able to do anything about it.

As a Road Hogger, I’m not super happy with these changes... I totally agree that changes needed to be made, but that Lucio and the tree is just irking me. Hopefully, things will get polished and tweaked so that we don’t have Road Hog pulling people across the universe but will also be able to hook people just before

That is SO COOL. This is one of the things I’m so excited about in Star Citizen.

I completely agree! I love my amazing audio way too much to take such a huge step back by using a pair of those “gaming headsets”.

Lots of people like the convenience of a wireless set with a built-in microphone. Personally, I love my AKG K7XX/mod mic combo way too much to settle for lesser sound (and especially soundstage).

My thoughts exactly. It’s not like we don’t have a ton of better/more entertaining (and, for me, less grating) celebrities that I’m sure would love to do something Final Fantasy.

Most of the time if a computer can’t handle it, it’s not going to run. What I mean about that is that it’s going to be nigh-unplayable. You CAN run something that forces the components into overdrive and, eventually, overheat things (much like overclocking something beyond what it can handle would) and kill a system

You don’t have to worry about doing “hidden damage”. If something isn’t going to run on your laptop it won’t. At the very least, it won’t run well.