
Let’s just say the title is misleading.

That sounds like a story I’d be interested in hearing... but, from everything I know about her, it probably wouldn’t be super surprising.

That is a GREAT idea.

I’d love to get singers who can actually sing, again. That would be nice.

Thank you!

My girl’s name is Elizabeth Lydia... and we call her Ellie/Elly (I kind of alternate between the spellings). My wife just liked the names (especially since a they’re family ones) but I had ulterior motives... Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Ellie from Last of Us. Elly from Xenogears. Lydia from Skyrim (so she can be

The moment I heard about the heart attack (especially the details), I knew this was coming. I’m actually more surprised that she lasted this long...

“...finally, we expect Nintendo to continue producing the Wii U.”

I read the manga... so much stuff. I’m psyched.

Yup, same people! If I remember correctly, it’s not that they decided not to make Catequesis, it’s that they decided to do some other ones first. So, here’s to hoping that we eventually get to play it... it looked really interesting.

The Count Lucanor was an excellent little adventure/horror game and I’m really excited to play Yuppie Psycho.

Oh please, I really, really, really need a restart level option... that death that I wasn’t aware of has stopped me in my “no kill” run as Corvo (I was doing my stealthy, no-kill, read everything and explore everywhere run first, so I could just have fun as Emily). :/

Ha! I’ve been with horrible tanks that “only tanked”. Ugh, I know the pain of a terrible tank all too well. It’s one of the reasons I don’t tank; I’m not that good at it.

This, literally, hurts no one. I can’t see a reason to be angry with it, other than someone who spent all that time leveling up feeling “gypped”. Let someone who has more money than time level up a character and enjoy endgame content... it doesn’t change the need to grind for gear or anything.

Most likely... I hadn’t killed anyone previously (and I had been obsessively checking my stats page) and was just going through Dust District when, suddenly, DEATH. Bluh.

Uuuuuugh. :/

Dang... Somehow someone died in my “no death” run (not knowing, I continued through it and both quick and auto-saved past it). No clue who it was or how it happened but I just need to restart the level.

That’s really exciting! I love D2 and look forward to mixing up all the powers to become an even sneakier fuck.

That makes me so happy. I love the silly Junkrat/Roadhog bromance.

Wait, wait, wait. Are those new sprays?