
No way. This is a joke review, right? It has to be. Seriously, this reads like some pseudo-intellectual found a thesaurus and a grad student’s philosophy dissertation.

It’s Warhammer meets Left 4 Dead meets Vermintide... As much as I like Space Hulk, I’m going to have to wait for a sale so I can play it with my friends.

More Dishonored 2... I’m getting back into my not-super-stealthy-but-non-lethal groove. I’m on mission 6 (Dust District) and already have around 10 hours logged in (admittedly, I spent quite a bit working on that Jindosh lock). It’s been excellent. I look forward to a murder-run.

And now I want another Burnout... Takedown was my introduction to the series and I absolutely loved it.

Probably because the 20th anniversary edition just came out a few months ago.

Xenogears disc 2.

Definitely compared to the sound quality. The AKG K7XX from Massdrop was only $200, as were the newly done Sennheiser 6XX (which, if I remember correctly, are HD650s). That leaves you with $50 left over for the ModMic. But, as I said, this leaves you with 2 3.5 connections and not a USB, so, for some, this wouldn’t

Man, for $250 you could have a GREAT pair of cans and just use a ModMic for the microphone (so you have that headset feel). Only problem with that would be that it would’t be USB (which some people only want).

I didn’t even realize that this was out... I just picked up DR3 during the last sale. From the sounds of it, this is another one that I’ll wait to get during a sale.

Switch, right? Right?

Dishonored 2. For some reason, I checked my stats screen and found that someone had died sometime in the past, so I was forced to start over. Not that that’s a bad thing, but it made me FLY though the first level in the unstealthiest level I’ve ever done (28 detections). Time to start chapter 2.

Wow. That’s... bad. It’s such a huge misstep which, unfortunately, seems to be the theme of Nintendo for this generation. :/

Really? I’ll have to check it out, once someone releases it... but it’s really not that surprising, especially if they’re playing on the Wii U. It’s not exactly a powerful console.

My friend sent this around... not sure if he found it somewhere or he made it, but it’s good.

I loved it all except for the fairies... I always thought that the fairies were simply surrounded by light, not literally balls with wings.

The PC matchmaking really isn’t very good... I love me some CTF, but there’s never anyone on it. The best way to get a game of it in is to play Mixtape.

It really depends on his/her interests... I would always recommend Slayers, though.

That’s impressive... But I’d be a lot more impressed if he did that against PC players while he was on a controller.

That’s what I got mine for from Target... Amazon would charge me tax either way, so I’m not mad.

That’s what I got mine for from Target... Amazon would charge me tax either way, so I’m not mad.

You might be able to contact customer service about it, then.

You might be able to contact customer service about it, then.