
“Whenever I see someone start a post by qualifying their race I instantly call BS.”

I’m not censoring his shows.

Aaaand now I want to rip out my eyeballs.

After today’s events, I’m more thankful than ever for the mindnumbingly stupid articles chronicled in Midweek Madness. Thank you, Bobby!

Caitlyn allegedly “acted like a total wino” and “polished off a couple bottles of chardonnay all by herself” and soon became “totally disheveled.”

Caitlyn allegedly “acted like a total wino” and “polished off a couple bottles of chardonnay all by herself” and soon became “totally disheveled.”

This is like the first time the pet looks like the celebrity.

More than anything, what this piece tells me is that scientists still know very little about the female body during sexual stimulation, and it makes me sad because we all lose. I guess I’ve always taken the road of “every woman experiences sex differently so there are no steadfast rules to what gets women off and we

I have a very clear memory, from when I was about 12, of my mother angrily telling me about a family we knew from church, and how their horrible daughter, who was a few years years older than me, had “ruined her family” by reporting that her stepfather had molested her. It didn’t even occur to my mother, or anyone

This actually made me cry. I am crying.

I wasn’t aware that folks from Vermont were somehow incapable of seeing eye-to-eye with black people. Is this a genetic thing endemic to Vermontonians, something in the water, a learned behavior?

Bernie Sanders is running for president against several other candidates who not only didn’t march with MLK but many of them actively participated in voter suppression (I’m looking at Jeb Bush and Scott Walker). So in comparison to the racist assholes in the republican party the fact that Sanders marched with MLK and

It’s more his supporters saying that than the man himself, but I’m pretty sure his voting record says all that needs to be said on the subject.

1. You say Bernie’s not coming at this issue from the “right angle,” then you pretty much make it sound like there is no actual proper angle to come at it from. So, in that case, why pay any attention to the election at all? Why vote? Why even stay in this country when you believe we have a permanently ingrained

Simply put: Sanders does the right thing but says it the wrong way (because of experience, because of age, because of geography, because of whatever), Clinton says the right thing but does it the wrong way (that is, if she actually does ANYTHING at all).

Note that Sanders didn’t shout at them or anything. He actually gave them the microphone when they asked for it.

Sanders began interviewing and consulting with a woman affiliated with BLM two weeks before the Seattle event, and officially hired her the next day. He listened to the demands after netroots nation and spoke about Sandra Bland and BLM at multiple media events prior to Seattle.

I have an honest question for you: why is #BLM so focused on Sanders? This isn’t saying that criticism of him is unfair or shouldn’t be said. Not by a long shot.

“as well-meant as they are, they don’t address the fact that even if he wins, there’s still going to be racism and everything that comes with it”

Just like as well-meaning as this article is, Greg, it doesn’t address the fact that even if he, or any Democrat, no matter how progressive, wins, they’re going to be dealing