Zyada K

Fuck you also. The people who use that site are spineless. If a relationship isn’t working have enough courage to end it clean.

Hooray! Let all the stupid people who are on this site hit the wall. Idiots one and all.

I'd say everything you point out as being wrong with the article comes from you not having read it properly.

It actually goes further than that. When you make real simple syrup the long boiling step actually turns it into an invert syrup.


That does 2 things. First it makes it sweeter than the same volume of an uncooked syrup. So using a quick syrup instead means more dilution and a

Mine is The Cookie, because it is delicious, and I know he wants a piece, even if he says he isn't hungry. This also falls in line with my pro choice stance. If you do not stand behind me in my right to run my bakery the way I see fit, no cookie for you.

Especially when excess wax causes your ear to itch.

My dad has three daughters, me being one, and no boys. He never treated us like it was somehow his job to protect our virginity (because that idea is creepy and just beyond fucked up). When we were teenagers, he emphasized the importance of being safe, told us exactly how to be safe, and told us that the most

VOTE: vim

This. I now practice thoughtful cooking and eating (as much as possible), and it is amazing how little I eat now. By simply slowing down and paying attention, my body has time to tell me that I'm comfortably "full." Food looks and tastes so much better. Relearning to really savor the flavors, texture, balances of

Cinnamon is VERY effective repellant for ants. I had to use it because I didn't want to use a point with cats in the house.